Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Jane Addams And Her Fight For Social Reform - 1027 Words

Jane Addams and her Fight for Social Reform For years, Jane Addams has been known as a social activist who created the first settlement home in the United States. However, many people often disregard the fact that she has accomplished a significant amount of other things throughout her life that will always make her a significant icon in history. Were it not for Jane Addams leadership and contribution towards the creation of the first U.S. Hull House, social changes such as child-labor, women’s suffrage, and peace may not have occurred in the United States. Growing up in Cedarville, Illinois where both educated and non-educated women struggled to be seen and heard in the public’s eye, encouraged social activist, Jane Addams, to strive to make great changes in her society. Her many achievements such as graduating as valedictorian, being the first student to receive a bachelor’s degree at the Rockford Female Seminary in 1881, and co-founding the first U.S. Hull House, has helped show that she was very determ ined to make a change. After a few years of trying to improve her community, her drive to make it better soon made for greater social changes throughout the entire country. As a woman that underwent not being able to obtain a decent job involving any public role besides school teaching and missionary work, Addams wanted to do something that would make it possible for women to have more work options. In 1888, after taking a trip to visit the Toynbee Hall in London,Show MoreRelatedJane Addams and the Successful Hull House Essay816 Words   |  4 PagesJane Addams and her colleague, Ellen Gates Starr, founded the most successful settlement house in the United States otherwise known as the Hull-House (â€Å"Settlement† 1). It was located in a city overrun by poverty, filth and gangsters, and it could not have come at a better time (Lundblad 663). The main purpose of settlement houses was to ease the transition into the American culture and labor force, and The Hull-House offered its residents an opportunity to help the community, was a safe haven forRead MoreFighting For Social Reform : Jane Addams1218 Words   |  5 PagesFighting for Social Refo rm Though not widely known, Jane Addams’ influence and ideals can be seen throughout society. Born many years ago in 1860, the solutions for which she strived for are ageless. Women were considered the weaker sex, and forced to conform to traditional feminine roles such as staying at home and being primarily a nurturer. The issues that Jane Addams fought for, such as social justice and equality, are issues still prevalent in today’s society. Jane Addams aspired to create aRead MoreThe Women s Rights Movement865 Words   |  4 Pagesthese words that reflect the actions of Jane Addams and Elizabeth Cady Stanton during the Women’s Rights Movement in the United States. Jane Addams and Elizabeth Cady Stanton lived at the turn of the century where women were discriminated on based on gender and their inexistent role in society. These women refused to be taken for granted and in doing so they fought vehemently for a cause that they believed in. These pioneers of feminism paved the road for reform, changing the very fabric of societyRead MoreEssay on Fighting for Equal Rights1724 Words   |  7 PagesJane Addams, Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Rachel Carson were four American women who advocated for social change. Their courage, intelligence, strength and leadership made a positive difference in the lives of many people. These women were pioneers in their times. 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While feminism was huge in the earlier years of America, there are contemporary feminists who fight for the rights and equality of women that are still not met. In recent years, Gloria Steinem has spoken up for the equality of women and pushed for social reform. Jane Addams and Gloria Steinem are more than feminists, they areRead MoreThe Womens Movement1533 Words    |  7 Pagesless than those of men. Women were not allowed to vote; yet they had to pay taxes. Women were subjects of their husbands, and expected to do all of the housework. Many women helped in the fight for womens suffrage. When looking at the womans movement, one must look at what rights were denied, who helped fight for these rights, and what we can learn from the movement. The first thing to look at is the aspect of which rights were denied to women. The most important civil right that women were

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What Thoughts Run Through Your Mind Essay - 948 Words

Introduction Midterm, professor has just posted your grades online, you know you got either and A, B, C, D or F. You studied hard for an exam. You go online to see what grade you have received. Say you got an F. What thoughts run through our mind? Say you got an A. What thoughts run through your mind? System in America is a societal norm; however, important to analyze the system. Experienced the letter grading system since early elementary school, it is important not just to accept the system but to take a closer look at the system. I accepted the reality of the system ; time to inform myself about the system. After researching, I understand the three perspectives of the advantages, disadvantages, and a potential modification of the system. Therefore, I would like to assess multiple perspectives on the traditional A to F grading system by exploring the advantages, disadvantages, and a modification of the system to provide more insight and provoke thoughts. Sharing this information today and then hearing your opinions; better understanding of the grading system employed in America. End of our discussion, think more about the system in place as opposed to being a participant in the system. Signpost: First, we will explore the perspective of the system being advantageous. Body Advantageous due to four factors: precedent, source of recognition, promotion of academics rigor, and ease of comparison. First, according Thomas Guskey author of â€Å"Making the Grade: What BenefitsShow MoreRelatedSoftball Isn’T An Easy Game And Many People Make It Sound1254 Words   |  6 PagesSoftball isn’t an easy game and many people make it sound very informal. But what most people don’t understand is that this sport isn’t just a game where players run from base to base. The sports requires mental thoughts and training through the athletes’ minds when doing so. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rice Bran free essay sample

Usually contain 24-28 carbon atoms with long chain primary alcohol containing 16-36 carbon atoms or with alcohol of the steroid group. Waxes are non crystalline. Example: Bees wax, Carnauba wax, opal wax. Etc. Properties of oil: 1. At room temperature oils liquid. 2. Oils contains large proportion of unsaturated fatty acid. 3. Oils are insoluble in water but readily soluble in Hexane, ether, benzene, Carbon tetra chloride, etc. 4. Oils are easily hydrogenated like alkenes. 5. Oils react with Iodine, chlorine in aqueous alcoholic solution to form iodo-chloro derivatives. Terms related Definitions: Iodine value: Iodine value may be defined as the number of gm of Iodine that will add across the Carboncarbon double bond in hundred (100) gm of the fats or oils. Or simply the amount of iodine (in gm) absorbed by 100gm of fat. Significance: Iodine value is a measure of the extent of un saturation in fats or oils. The greater the number of double bond more iodine is required to break this bonds. We will write a custom essay sample on Rice Bran or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ie. Iodine value is more. For example Oleic acid has one (C=C) double bond and it iodine value is 85whereas Linoleic acid contain two (C=C) double bond has iodine value is 181. Iodine value of Rica bran oil is 99-108. If Iodine value is below 90 then it is called non drying oil, If iodine value is above 90 and below 140 then it is called semi drying oil and if iodine value is above 140 then it is called drying oil. According to data Rice bran oil is a semi drying oil. Acid Value: In chemistry, acid value (or neutralization number or acid number or acidity) is the mass of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in milligrams that is required to neutralize one gram of Oil or fat. The acid number is a measure of the amount of carboxylic acid groups n a Oil or fat, such as a fatty acid, or in a mixture of compounds. In a typical procedure, a known amount of sample dissolved in organic solvent is titrated with a solution of potassium hydroxide with known concentration and with phenolphthalein as a color indicator. The acid number is used to quantify the amount of acid present, for example in a sample of biodiesel. It is the quantity of base, expressed in milligrams of potassi um hydroxide, that is required to neutralize the acidic constituents in 1 g of sample. Acid value indicates the proportion of free fatty acid in the oil or fat. The normal Acid value for most samples lies within 0. 5. The acid number is used to quantify the amount of acid present, for example in a sample of biodiesel. It is the quantity of base, expressed in milligrams of potassium hydroxide that is required to neutralize the acidic constituents in 1 g of sample. Classification of oil: Depending on sources, Oils are classified as – a) Animal fats and oil: These are obtained from animal sources. Example: Cod-liver oil, butter. b) Vegetable fats and oil: These are obtained from vegetable sources. Example: Rice bran oil, Coconut oil, Soybean oil, palm oil. etc. Depending upon the nature of carbon chain and iodine value vegetable oils are classified asa) Non drying oil: These oils contain least proportion of unsaturated acid containing two or three double bond. Non drying oil don’t absorb oxygen from air and don’t dry up to form a hard skin. Range of Iodine value is below 90-95. Example: Olive oil (85), Castor oil (85), Coconut oil (8. 2-9. 6), Palm oil (52). b) Semi drying oil: These oils contain intermediate proportion of unsaturated acid containing one or two double bond. Semi drying oil absorbs oxygen from air slowly and thickens after keeping exposed to air for some time, But don’t dry up. Various edible oils are Rice bran oil, Soybean oil, palm oil. Etc. are employed for salad, dressings other table uses and for cooking purposes. b) Inedible oil: this oil is used for soap manufacturing. The drying oil industries, including paints and varnishes. Example: Tallow, Coconut oil, Palm oil etc. Oils are classified on the presence of nature: a) Petroleum oil: A naturally occurring oil that consists chiefly of hydrocarbons with some other elements such as sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen. In its unrefined form petroleum is known as crude oil. Sometimes also called rock oil. These oils are obtained from crude petroleum by distillation. The number of carbon atom ranging from C1 to C40. The main functions are Refinery gas(Methane), Gasoline(C5 to C8) BP: 40 to180oC, Kerosene( C11 to C12) BP: 160 to250oC, Diesel oil (C13 to C25) BP: 220 to350oC, [BP= Boiling point] b) Essential oil: Essential oils are volatile oils with pleasant odour and are obtained from various plants excudes and flowers by stem distillation. It must contain isoprene unit. Linalool contain alcoholic group Citral contain aldehyde group Eucalyptus contain ester group Example: Citrus oil, flower oil (e. g. Rose, jasmine) and cloves. etc Uses of Essential oil: Making perfumes, toilet soaps, tooth pastes, and manufacturing inks, varnishes, greases etc. c) Fatty oil: Fatty oils are obtained from vegetable and animal sources. Chemically they belong the fats and fatty oils are the glycerides of fatty acids have low melting point. Example: Rice bran oil, Coconut oil, Soybean oil, palm oil, etc. Differentiate between Oils Fats and waxes Fat Oil Waxes Tri glycerol ester of fatty acid Tri glycerol ester of fatty acid Ester of mono hydric alcohol with higher fatty acid Solid at Room temp Liquid at Room temp Crystalline Solid at Room temp Saturated fatty acid Un saturated fatty acid Saturated or Un saturated fatty acid Non insulator Non insulator Insulator Contain a small amount of alcohol Contain a small amount of alcohol Contain a large amount of alcohol Rice bran oil: Rice bran oil is extracted from the bran layers of rice. Rice bran oil inherently contains a high level of gamma oryzanol, a natural mixture of ferulic acid esters. Oryzan is processed by a non-conventional vegetable oil refining technique to provide several unique properties. It retains much of the oryzanol that is naturally present in the crude oil. Due to its strong antioxidant properties, oryzanol retards oil degradation at elevated temperatures. This results in oil with an extended fry-life and fried foods with improved storage stability. While Oryzan rice bran oil can be used alone, it can also be blended with other oils to improve their frying performance. Information of Rice bran oil: Rice bran oil contains the highest amount of all natural vitamin E in liquid form. It is also rich in phytic and ferulic acids, which promote microfoliation (a gentle form of exfoliation) while helping balance melanin production. It also contains proanthrocyanidins, which protect collagen and elastin to ensure suppleness of the skin. Rice bran oil is particularly high in fatty acids. It is excellent for mature, delicate or sensitive skin. Rice Bran Oil is recommended for skin care and massage products. Its shelf life is six months to one year. An emollient oil similar to other nonvolatile plant oils. Rich in vitamin E. It has a smaller molecule than wheat germ oil making it much easier to penetrate the skin.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Netflix Strategic Analysis Essay Example

Netflix Strategic Analysis Paper Netflix | Strategic Analysis (Nov 2007)| | Netflix, the online subscription-based DVD rental service aimed to better satisfy customer in a way competitors didn’t, customized and personalized service with unlimited monthly rentals from a great variety of film offerings. Now they want to leverage their strengths to enter into the Video on Demand market| | | 9/18/2009| | 1 1 3 3 6 7 Table of Contents 1. Netflix Strategic Analysis 2. Netflix vs. Blockbuster: Comparative assessment of strategic differences 3. Netflix Competitive Advantage 3. 1 Home video industry Positioning Perspective 3. VRIO Perspective 4. Video On Demand (VOD) – Strategic Advantage i 1. Netflix Strategic Analysis Netflix, an online subscription-based DVD rental service aimed to better satisfy customer in a way competitors didn’t, with unlimited monthly rentals from a great variety of DVD offerings and personalized service. Netflix created a distinctive value proposition by understanding customer needs and competition offerings; Netflix found the sweet spot to align the firm’s capabilities with the customer needs in a way that competitors could not match them, creating unique activities to deliver to that gap(1). To take the movie rental to the next level, Netflix used the internet instead of rental stores and offered service only to DVD users while rental stores were still renting VHS. The combination of internet and DVD technology made competition irrelevant, by reaching in an untapped market, Netflix expanded existing industry boundaries and reached for the blue ocean(1). Netflix started building their offering from customer’s frustration such as narrow diversity of films and stressful return due dates which implied late fees. Netflix was able to hold large amounts of inventory in their warehouses without having the physical space constringency of a rental store, added convenience of delivery and the unlimited monthly rentals of a subscription model, and using technology for customization and personalization of their service. Leveraging best practices from internet retailers (ebay, Amazon) helped Netflix to identify characteristics that were most appealing to internet customers (2). Understanding what customer valued allow Netflix to strengthen their critical success factors. . Netflix vs. Blockbuster: Comparative assessment of strategic differences. 1 Blockbuster focused their strategy on impulse rental customers, while Netflix focused on customers that desired selection and for which watching movies was a way of entertainment. While Blockbuster business relied on newest release (70% of revenue came from hit movies) (2) they kept a narrow variety of movies and their financial success depended highly in ma ximizing the rental of those hit movies in inventory. We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Strategic Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Strategic Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Strategic Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To be able to increase utilization, the movies had a return due date and late fees would be applied if returned after. Netflix business model promoted lower profile films, while working in new relationships with studios to lower cost and quicker access of new releases (only 30% of revenue came from new releases)(2). Netflix continued making deals with movie producers and acquiring movies to enlarge the diversity and size of their DVD library; simultaneously applied the subscription model which allowed customers to reach an unlimited amount of movies per month (keeping three at a time). Blockbuster scope was to expand geographical coverage nationwide, owning most of their stores (80%) and franchising the rest (2). Netflix had a similar geographical goal, creating more distribution centers (inexpensive warehouses) improving upon its national wide coverage and reducing delivery time. Using technology to develop a recommendation system and personalized their service, Netflix had established a strong market position with a large and solid base of subscribers by the time Blockbuster entered the online movie rental business. Blockbuster had the power of high retaliation and leverage from their already established brand and existing products, so they integrated its online model with its traditional store business, eliminating late fees, copying Netflix business model and under-cutting price to gain market share, but still it did not offset their loss of revenue by 2005. 2 Blockbuster was too confident in their brand and their reach that failed to see the threat from the online rental business, meanwhile Netflix took advantage of their slow entrance to build a market and leverage on growing technology (DVD) that took off really quickly. The strategy canvas shown in Figure 1 captures how Netflix’s strategy differs from Blockbuster’s and their areas of differentiation. Netflix shifted their focus to alternative new offerings, building on critical success factors that could not be matched by Blockbuster, even when they entered the online video rental. Figure 1. Strategic canvas of home movie rental 3. Netflix Competitive Advantage 3. 1 Home video industry Positioning Perspective 3 To understand Netflix’s positioning in the home video industry offering of movies in the comfort of the home it is useful to employ Porter’s 5 forces framework to identify the gap they are filling and their strengths and weaknesses. Threat of Entry: To be able to start up a home video business would require a significant investment capital. Although the required capital for infrastructure could be medium to low (open a store and do minimum amount of marketing), it could be expensive for new entrants to invest in movies to create the necessary inventory, especially without relationships with movie studios and producers. Also retaliation could be expected from larger players if the new business poses a threat. For a possible entrant, high differentiation (for example convenience or diversity) would be necessary to be able to succeed. The threat of entry would be considered medium to low, but Netflix saw the opportunity to get into the industry by highly differentiating themselves to be able to compete. Threat of Substitution: Alternatives to the home video industry would be: first, movie theaters, expensive and lack the convenience of watching the movie in the comfort of the house. Second, to watch a movie through commercial television, it takes longer time to be available and is interrupted by commercials. Third, to watch movies through the internet, on the computer; it may be convenient, but not comfortable. Also, a customer always has as an option not to spend their free time watching movies. The substitutes are weak until technology allows for easy, quick and cheap movies to be downloaded through the internet and transfer to the TV. The threat of substitution is low. 4 The power of buyers: The source of dissatisfaction of customers comes from the narrow selection of movies and the rental due dates resulting in late fees. It becomes expensive for those who are volume customers and have to pay large amounts of money. But buyers have low switching cost as there are several options for renting movies, despite this fact, individual customers do not hold bargaining power over the price of products in this market since one customer’s decision to buy the service or not will not affect the overall market at all; similarly one customer’s dissatisfaction will not influence other customers significantly. The level of dissatisfaction with the service would promote a widespread response in the presence of a differentiated product that is more convenient and satisfactory for customers. Netflix â€Å"invested in things that were strategically relevant to customer satisfaction potential† (2) taking advantage of discontent of the underserved customers which increased buyers’ switching cost and decreased the buyer power. The power of supplier: High up-front investment is necessary to be able to acquire films. Without direct relationships with major studios, the industry depended on a small number of movie distributors to acquire the movies with little or no discount increasing the supplier power. Netflix built relationships with major film producers to decrease the up-front cost of new releases by splitting additional revenue; they were able to acquire more movies in a timely manner to satisfy demand. â€Å"As Netflix built its film library, it grew in importance as a distribution channel for many small and independent film studios† †¦ â€Å" Netflix acquired the distribution rights to certain independent films through its Red Envelope Subsidiary†(2). All the actions taken helped Netflix to both decrease the supplier power while increase their movie selection. The mail delivery system had also a major role as Netflix’s supplier. They highly depended on USPS for the success of their model (delivery and return of movies in a timely manner). Netflix took advantage of the declining first class mail industry and strengthen their relationship with USPS, receiving discounts while working on an efficient plan to expedite deliveries and returns and improve customer satisfaction. 5 Rivalry: The home video industry had been highly populated by small and large players with little differentiation offering, basically commodity service in a larger and smaller scale. Blockbuster had been the leader for a long time and smaller â€Å"mom and pops shops† did not present strong competition. The rivalry could be considered medium. As industry grew in a constant pace, more people demanded a wider selection with more convenience; this allowed Netflix to get into the industry with a differentiated product that allowed them to succeed. 3. 2 VRIO Perspective Netflix initial strategic advantage was based on differentiation from using the internet to select the movies, their unlimited monthly movies from the subscription based system with no late fees, the wider inventory of movies and the use of mail for delivery, very different from Blockbuster’s offering. It was a good strategy over the short term, but it only gave Netflix a temporal competitive advantage as anybody could copy what they were doing. To build a sustainable competitive advantage Netflix dedicated a lot of resources to make their offering unique; this helped them to further differentiate themselves. This strategy leveraged the value proposition of convenience and selection by personalizing their offering and building strong relationships between their system and their customers, their intent was to increase customer retention, offering features that customers could not find at any competitor, and that would be too difficult for a competitor to copy. Netflix invested in technology that allowed them to get to know customers using surveys, movie reviews and monitoring rental trends. All this permitted Netflix to give customers accurate recommendation of movies based on customer likes while having a queue of movies that would be shipped to them on priority basis. Using their core strengths and building rarity and difficulty of imitability, as observed in the VRIO analysis in Table 1, Netflix customer data base and personalized offering allowed them to have a sustainable competitive advantage in delivering home video entertainment. 6 Table 1: Netflix critical success factors – VRIO break down | Resources| V| R| I| O| | Physical| | | | | | | Technology| * | * | | * | TCA| Logistics| * | * | | * | TCA| | Geographical reach| * | | | * | | | Wide selection| * | * | * | * | SCA| | Brand| * | * | | * | TCA| | Convenience Easy access| * | * | | * | TCA| | Customer database| * | * | * | * | SCA| Organization| | | | | | | Knowing customer| * | * | * | * | SCA| | Recommendation| * | * | * | * | SCA| | Subscription| * | * | | * | TCA| | No late fees| * | * | | * | TC A| | Relationship with studios| * | * | | * | TCA| Human| | | | | | Team commitment| * | * | * | * | SCA| TCA – Temporary Competitive Advantage (Strength and distinctive competence) SCA – Sustainable competitive Advantage (Strength and sustainable distinctive competence) 4. Video On Demand (VOD) – Strategic Advantage While Netflix â€Å"believed that the DVD rental market would remain healthy for years in the future†(2), they also recognized, just as they did when entering the DVD market, the need to take advantage of the fast pace growing technology and enter the VOD market in its early stages in order to maintain ts superior â€Å"position as a giant in the media industry†(2). Unlike Blockbusters’ response when Netflix first appeared with a product so different from theirs, rather than seeing the new offering as an option that would appeal only to a niche market(2), Netflix acknowledged the VOD offering as a service that would benefit the mass market needs(2). 7 VOD presents two main challenges, the first is the hardware requirements to allow connectivity between the computer and television, adopting streaming offering would allow Netflix to establish in the VOD market while waiting for the technology to develop. The second is â€Å"the current limitations in available content† (2). Adopting the VOD business as a separate service could hurt Netflix’s â€Å"wide selection† image making it difficult to satisfy its wide range of customers. While Netflix must continue pressuring the studios to let them have more available films in VOD, choosing the option of integrating a streaming online video feature in their core offering, would allow them to build on their current differentiation strengths: unlimited monthly rentals from a great variety of movies and personalized service. New customers interested in the VOD offering would also enter in the data base helping further growth of Netflix’s customized and personalized system while taking advantage of their variety of DVD movies still not available through VOD. In the initial stages, both DVD online rental and VOD would complement each other. It would be expected for the streaming online video feature to increase popularity while overcoming the technical challenges of VOD. At the same time, the DVD rental business would be expected to decline. This strategy would help them transition effectively in the market. It will be easier to convert its customer from DVD’s delivered movies to VOD rather than acquiring new customers from scratch. Finally, integrating the current offering with the streaming online video while leveraging from their distinctive competencies, ultimately will give Netflix a sustainable competitive advantage â€Å"to allow for the best home video viewing for its customers† (2). References (1) W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, â€Å"Blue Ocean Strategy: From Theory to Practice† California Review Management, 2005. (2) 8 8 7 7 Willy Shih, Stephen Kaufman and David Spinola, â€Å"Netflix†, Harvard Business School, November 19, 2007. Netflix Strategic Analysis Essay Example Netflix Strategic Analysis Essay Netflix | Strategic Analysis (Nov 2007)| | Netflix, the online subscription-based DVD rental service aimed to better satisfy customer in a way competitors didn’t, customized and personalized service with unlimited monthly rentals from a great variety of film offerings. Now they want to leverage their strengths to enter into the Video on Demand market| | | 9/18/2009| | 1 1 3 3 6 7 Table of Contents 1. Netflix Strategic Analysis 2. Netflix vs. Blockbuster: Comparative assessment of strategic differences 3. Netflix Competitive Advantage 3. 1 Home video industry Positioning Perspective 3. VRIO Perspective 4. Video On Demand (VOD) – Strategic Advantage i 1. Netflix Strategic Analysis Netflix, an online subscription-based DVD rental service aimed to better satisfy customer in a way competitors didn’t, with unlimited monthly rentals from a great variety of DVD offerings and personalized service. Netflix created a distinctive value proposition by understanding customer needs and competition offerings; Netflix found the sweet spot to align the firm’s capabilities with the customer needs in a way that competitors could not match them, creating unique activities to deliver to that gap(1). To take the movie rental to the next level, Netflix used the internet instead of rental stores and offered service only to DVD users while rental stores were still renting VHS. The combination of internet and DVD technology made competition irrelevant, by reaching in an untapped market, Netflix expanded existing industry boundaries and reached for the blue ocean(1). Netflix started building their offering from customer’s frustration such as narrow diversity of films and stressful return due dates which implied late fees. Netflix was able to hold large amounts of inventory in their warehouses without having the physical space constringency of a rental store, added convenience of delivery and the unlimited monthly rentals of a subscription model, and using technology for customization and personalization of their service. Leveraging best practices from internet retailers (ebay, Amazon) helped Netflix to identify characteristics that were most appealing to internet customers (2). Understanding what customer valued allow Netflix to strengthen their critical success factors. . Netflix vs. Blockbuster: Comparative assessment of strategic differences. 1 Blockbuster focused their strategy on impulse rental customers, while Netflix focused on customers that desired selection and for which watching movies was a way of entertainment. While Blockbuster business relied on newest release (70% of revenue came from hit movies) (2) they kept a narrow variety of movies and their financial success depended highly in ma ximizing the rental of those hit movies in inventory. We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Strategic Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Strategic Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Strategic Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To be able to increase utilization, the movies had a return due date and late fees would be applied if returned after. Netflix business model promoted lower profile films, while working in new relationships with studios to lower cost and quicker access of new releases (only 30% of revenue came from new releases)(2). Netflix continued making deals with movie producers and acquiring movies to enlarge the diversity and size of their DVD library; simultaneously applied the subscription model which allowed customers to reach an unlimited amount of movies per month (keeping three at a time). Blockbuster scope was to expand geographical coverage nationwide, owning most of their stores (80%) and franchising the rest (2). Netflix had a similar geographical goal, creating more distribution centers (inexpensive warehouses) improving upon its national wide coverage and reducing delivery time. Using technology to develop a recommendation system and personalized their service, Netflix had established a strong market position with a large and solid base of subscribers by the time Blockbuster entered the online movie rental business. Blockbuster had the power of high retaliation and leverage from their already established brand and existing products, so they integrated its online model with its traditional store business, eliminating late fees, copying Netflix business model and under-cutting price to gain market share, but still it did not offset their loss of revenue by 2005. 2 Blockbuster was too confident in their brand and their reach that failed to see the threat from the online rental business, meanwhile Netflix took advantage of their slow entrance to build a market and leverage on growing technology (DVD) that took off really quickly. The strategy canvas shown in Figure 1 captures how Netflix’s strategy differs from Blockbuster’s and their areas of differentiation. Netflix shifted their focus to alternative new offerings, building on critical success factors that could not be matched by Blockbuster, even when they entered the online video rental. Figure 1. Strategic canvas of home movie rental 3. Netflix Competitive Advantage 3. 1 Home video industry Positioning Perspective 3 To understand Netflix’s positioning in the home video industry offering of movies in the comfort of the home it is useful to employ Porter’s 5 forces framework to identify the gap they are filling and their strengths and weaknesses. Threat of Entry: To be able to start up a home video business would require a significant investment capital. Although the required capital for infrastructure could be medium to low (open a store and do minimum amount of marketing), it could be expensive for new entrants to invest in movies to create the necessary inventory, especially without relationships with movie studios and producers. Also retaliation could be expected from larger players if the new business poses a threat. For a possible entrant, high differentiation (for example convenience or diversity) would be necessary to be able to succeed. The threat of entry would be considered medium to low, but Netflix saw the opportunity to get into the industry by highly differentiating themselves to be able to compete. Threat of Substitution: Alternatives to the home video industry would be: first, movie theaters, expensive and lack the convenience of watching the movie in the comfort of the house. Second, to watch a movie through commercial television, it takes longer time to be available and is interrupted by commercials. Third, to watch movies through the internet, on the computer; it may be convenient, but not comfortable. Also, a customer always has as an option not to spend their free time watching movies. The substitutes are weak until technology allows for easy, quick and cheap movies to be downloaded through the internet and transfer to the TV. The threat of substitution is low. 4 The power of buyers: The source of dissatisfaction of customers comes from the narrow selection of movies and the rental due dates resulting in late fees. It becomes expensive for those who are volume customers and have to pay large amounts of money. But buyers have low switching cost as there are several options for renting movies, despite this fact, individual customers do not hold bargaining power over the price of products in this market since one customer’s decision to buy the service or not will not affect the overall market at all; similarly one customer’s dissatisfaction will not influence other customers significantly. The level of dissatisfaction with the service would promote a widespread response in the presence of a differentiated product that is more convenient and satisfactory for customers. Netflix â€Å"invested in things that were strategically relevant to customer satisfaction potential† (2) taking advantage of discontent of the underserved customers which increased buyers’ switching cost and decreased the buyer power. The power of supplier: High up-front investment is necessary to be able to acquire films. Without direct relationships with major studios, the industry depended on a small number of movie distributors to acquire the movies with little or no discount increasing the supplier power. Netflix built relationships with major film producers to decrease the up-front cost of new releases by splitting additional revenue; they were able to acquire more movies in a timely manner to satisfy demand. â€Å"As Netflix built its film library, it grew in importance as a distribution channel for many small and independent film studios† †¦ â€Å" Netflix acquired the distribution rights to certain independent films through its Red Envelope Subsidiary†(2). All the actions taken helped Netflix to both decrease the supplier power while increase their movie selection. The mail delivery system had also a major role as Netflix’s supplier. They highly depended on USPS for the success of their model (delivery and return of movies in a timely manner). Netflix took advantage of the declining first class mail industry and strengthen their relationship with USPS, receiving discounts while working on an efficient plan to expedite deliveries and returns and improve customer satisfaction. 5 Rivalry: The home video industry had been highly populated by small and large players with little differentiation offering, basically commodity service in a larger and smaller scale. Blockbuster had been the leader for a long time and smaller â€Å"mom and pops shops† did not present strong competition. The rivalry could be considered medium. As industry grew in a constant pace, more people demanded a wider selection with more convenience; this allowed Netflix to get into the industry with a differentiated product that allowed them to succeed. 3. 2 VRIO Perspective Netflix initial strategic advantage was based on differentiation from using the internet to select the movies, their unlimited monthly movies from the subscription based system with no late fees, the wider inventory of movies and the use of mail for delivery, very different from Blockbuster’s offering. It was a good strategy over the short term, but it only gave Netflix a temporal competitive advantage as anybody could copy what they were doing. To build a sustainable competitive advantage Netflix dedicated a lot of resources to make their offering unique; this helped them to further differentiate themselves. This strategy leveraged the value proposition of convenience and selection by personalizing their offering and building strong relationships between their system and their customers, their intent was to increase customer retention, offering features that customers could not find at any competitor, and that would be too difficult for a competitor to copy. Netflix invested in technology that allowed them to get to know customers using surveys, movie reviews and monitoring rental trends. All this permitted Netflix to give customers accurate recommendation of movies based on customer likes while having a queue of movies that would be shipped to them on priority basis. Using their core strengths and building rarity and difficulty of imitability, as observed in the VRIO analysis in Table 1, Netflix customer data base and personalized offering allowed them to have a sustainable competitive advantage in delivering home video entertainment. 6 Table 1: Netflix critical success factors – VRIO break down | Resources| V| R| I| O| | Physical| | | | | | | Technology| * | * | | * | TCA| Logistics| * | * | | * | TCA| | Geographical reach| * | | | * | | | Wide selection| * | * | * | * | SCA| | Brand| * | * | | * | TCA| | Convenience Easy access| * | * | | * | TCA| | Customer database| * | * | * | * | SCA| Organization| | | | | | | Knowing customer| * | * | * | * | SCA| | Recommendation| * | * | * | * | SCA| | Subscription| * | * | | * | TCA| | No late fees| * | * | | * | TC A| | Relationship with studios| * | * | | * | TCA| Human| | | | | | Team commitment| * | * | * | * | SCA| TCA – Temporary Competitive Advantage (Strength and distinctive competence) SCA – Sustainable competitive Advantage (Strength and sustainable distinctive competence) 4. Video On Demand (VOD) – Strategic Advantage While Netflix â€Å"believed that the DVD rental market would remain healthy for years in the future†(2), they also recognized, just as they did when entering the DVD market, the need to take advantage of the fast pace growing technology and enter the VOD market in its early stages in order to maintain ts superior â€Å"position as a giant in the media industry†(2). Unlike Blockbusters’ response when Netflix first appeared with a product so different from theirs, rather than seeing the new offering as an option that would appeal only to a niche market(2), Netflix acknowledged the VOD offering as a service that would benefit the mass market needs(2). 7 VOD presents two main challenges, the first is the hardware requirements to allow connectivity between the computer and television, adopting streaming offering would allow Netflix to establish in the VOD market while waiting for the technology to develop. The second is â€Å"the current limitations in available content† (2). Adopting the VOD business as a separate service could hurt Netflix’s â€Å"wide selection† image making it difficult to satisfy its wide range of customers. While Netflix must continue pressuring the studios to let them have more available films in VOD, choosing the option of integrating a streaming online video feature in their core offering, would allow them to build on their current differentiation strengths: unlimited monthly rentals from a great variety of movies and personalized service. New customers interested in the VOD offering would also enter in the data base helping further growth of Netflix’s customized and personalized system while taking advantage of their variety of DVD movies still not available through VOD. In the initial stages, both DVD online rental and VOD would complement each other. It would be expected for the streaming online video feature to increase popularity while overcoming the technical challenges of VOD. At the same time, the DVD rental business would be expected to decline. This strategy would help them transition effectively in the market. It will be easier to convert its customer from DVD’s delivered movies to VOD rather than acquiring new customers from scratch. Finally, integrating the current offering with the streaming online video while leveraging from their distinctive competencies, ultimately will give Netflix a sustainable competitive advantage â€Å"to allow for the best home video viewing for its customers† (2). References (1) W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, â€Å"Blue Ocean Strategy: From Theory to Practice† California Review Management, 2005. (2) 8 8 7 7 Willy Shih, Stephen Kaufman and David Spinola, â€Å"Netflix†, Harvard Business School, November 19, 2007.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Gun Control Synthsis Paper essays

Gun Control Synthsis Paper essays When you mention gun control, many things come to mind. School shooting, the Brady Law, second amendment rights, and kids killing kids, these issues have prompted a controversy over guns and whether they are a menace to society. There are many types of guns and each contributes to crime differently. The smaller more easily concealed weapons, like handguns and sawed off shotguns are most likely to be used in crime. While the larger firearms, rifles, have a slightly lower reported incidence of crime. Crimes reported that involve an assault weapon such as the Uzi is virtually unheard of. Views on the subject of gun control range from one extreme, all guns are bad, to the other extreme that all existing laws should be revoked and every person should own a gun. In the discussion on gun control there are a few points that everyone argues about. Two of the most popular topics on gun control seem to be, do guns contribute to crime, and would tougher gun laws prevent gun fatalities? With all the different subjects discussed within the gun control controversy, the topic of how tougher laws would affect the death rate, associated with firearms, seems to be most common. Dennis Henigan believes that the laws need to be redirected toward better safety features on guns, to prevent some accidental shootings. Henigan also believes that the gun manufacturers should be liable for the lack of safety devices that could prevent accidental shootings. Morgan O. Reynolds and W.W. Caruth III believe, that the laws, proposed for the control of gun crime, would rase the price for purchasing a gun; but do little for preventing crime from being committed with them. According to Woody West, guns are responsible for the deaths of many people, some of which are innocent, but before we make new laws we should try enforcing the scores of laws already enacted, but not enforced. On the far end of the argument against controlling crime through banning gu...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Principles of Possessives

The Principles of Possessives The Principles of Possessives The Principles of Possessives By Mark Nichol The rules about forming possessives can seem confusing, especially because forms differs according to which style manual a publication is following. But the primary styles are relatively simple. In this post, I will refer only to the two prevalent styles in mainstream publishing: that of the Associated Press Stylebook, the resource of record for American newspaper publishing, as well as some magazines, many websites, and various other forms of written communication, and The Chicago Manual of Style, the bible of American book publishing, as well as many general-circulation periodicals. Guides for certain academic and scholarly subjects may differ. AP Style Newspaper style is simple and minimalist: To form a possessive construction from a singular common noun, add an apostrophe and the letter s: â€Å"The girl’s hair is red.† However, if the noun ends in the letter s and the following noun begins with an s, add an apostrophe only: â€Å"The waitress’ smile was infectious.† Treat a proper noun the same as a singular common noun: â€Å"Jim’s car ran out of gas.† But if a proper noun ends in s, add an apostrophe only: â€Å"Lewis’ training regimen is impressive.† If a plural noun ends in s, use an apostrophe only: â€Å"Cats’ claws are retractable.† If the plural does not end in s, use an apostrophe and an s: â€Å"The men’s room is to the right.† If the possession applies jointly to two singular nouns, apply the apostrophe and s only to the latter noun: â€Å"Green eggs and ham’s popularity has declined.† (In this sense, â€Å"green eggs† is plural in construction but singular in meaning; it’s a menu item, not a grouping of eggs.) But if the two nouns are distinct, apply the appropriate possessive form for each noun to that noun: â€Å"My hat’s color and my shoes’ color match.† Chicago Style Book style is simultaneously more complex and more consistent: No exception is made depending on whether singular nouns preceding and following the apostrophe end and start with s, respectively: â€Å"The waitress’s smile was infectious.† (However, all plural nouns are treated the same as in AP style.) Some ambiguity occurs, though, with traditional expressions following the â€Å"for (blank) sake† form: When the noun ends in an s, an apostrophe alone is employed (â€Å"For goodness’ sake, put on some clothes!†), while expressions with singular nouns follow the normal style: â€Å"For expedience’s sake, I faxed the form.† Better yet, in this case, relax the expression: â€Å"For the sake of expedience, I faxed the form.† The primary difference in style between the two resources is that singular proper nouns are always followed by an apostrophe and an s, even if they end in s (or x or z). For plural forms of proper names, however, if the name ends in one of these letters, add an es and an apostrophe: â€Å"We saw the Thomases’ house.† Otherwise, add an s and an apostrophe only: â€Å"We found the Smiths’ cat.† In the most recent edition of the manual, the style for two special cases has changed: Words ending in an unpronounced s are treated the same as words with a normal s sound (â€Å"Dubois’s translation is better†), as are words ending in an -eez sound (â€Å"Xerxes’s defeat was definitive†). However, common nouns plural in form but singular in meaning take an apostrophe only: â€Å"Economics’ complexities are daunting.† The same is true of proper names: â€Å"The Rocky Mountains’ discovery by European explorers prompted exploitation of mineral and other natural resources.† However, many writers find these constructions awkward, and prefer to relax the constructions: â€Å"The complexities of economics complexities are daunting†; â€Å"The discovery of the Rocky Mountains by European explorers prompted exploitation of mineral and other natural resources.† The distinction in AP style between joint possession and separate possession (see the last paragraph in the previous section) also applies to Chicago style. Some other special cases include possessives with the genitive form (â€Å"Three hours’ delay made all the difference†); a possessive form of a phrase that appears attributive (â€Å"The farmers’ market has a wide selection of tomatoes,† but â€Å"I have a Diners Club card†); and plurals of publication and composition titles. In the case of such titles, if it is italicized, add an apostrophe and an s (â€Å"I read the New Yorker’s article about it,† but, because the following title ends in an s, â€Å"The New York Times’ editorial supports the bill.†) If quotation marks are called for, relax the construction: â€Å"The first line of ‘My Life in Verse’ appropriately describes her birth,† rather than â€Å"‘My Life in Verse’’s first line appropriately describes her birth.†) Possessives followed by a gerund a present participle (a type of verb ending in -ing) acting as a noun should use an apostrophe and an s if singular (â€Å"The doctor’s telling of the story was interrupted†) and an apostrophe alone if plural (â€Å"Doctors’ taking on of more responsibility are a factor†). It might be better, however, to revise the sentence in such cases: â€Å"The doctor’s account of the story was interrupted†; â€Å"Quality of care is affected when doctors take on more responsibility.† Also, this grammatical structure should not be confused with the similar participle form, which is not possessive: â€Å"Doctors taking on more responsibility are likely to offer a lower quality of care.† The apostrophe is optional when a noun (or a pronoun) follows a preposition: â€Å"They thought of their friends moving away as a personal affront† could also be rendered â€Å"They thought of their friends’ moving away as a personal affront,† where moving refers to an act of moving that â€Å"belongs† to their friends. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund Phrases15 Types of DocumentsPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Revolution and Popular War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Revolution and Popular War - Essay Example "Everything that we did was for our children so that they could learn to read, so they could have a better life, then we, with this idea, participated in the Revolution. With the idea that they were going to learn to read, that they were going to learn many things that they didnt know, with this we integrated in the process of the Revolution," Ser Madre en Nicaragua (Being a Mother in Nicaragua) The need to foster better lives saw women form self help groups and organisations such as child care and community service. It is also recorded that women also joined armies and vigilant groups to modulate the strife being accosted on the males. During and after the Sandinista war, it was quite a struggle in terms of economic index. The Nicaragua states generally had US$ 1.6 billion, of which was payable in a time span of not less than five years. The government formed bodies of workers union to bolster the overall GDP of the state so that the foreign debt would be paid. Apparently, the government partnered with the private sector to ensure that more investment be generated. They were responsible for renegotiating the foreign debt and channelling foreign economic aid through the state-owned International Reconstruction Fund (Fondo Internacional de Reconstruction--FIR). The new government received bilateral and multinational financial assistance and also rescheduled the national foreign debt on advantageous terms. Pledging food for the poor, the junta made restructuring the economy its highest priority. . Workers in organisations also put in extra adjustments by putting in longer hours in offices to get more work down and improve on the daily accountability of finances. Immediately after the revolution, the FSLN also developed mass organizations representing most popular interest groups in Nicaragua. The most significant of these included the Sandinista Workers Federation (Central Sandinista de Trabajadores--CST) representing

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

He effect mass media's Female beauty ideal on female adolescents' Research Paper

He effect mass media's Female beauty ideal on female adolescents' self-perception - Research Paper Example The media exemplifies female beauty based on thinness and flawlessness – unrealistic and unattainable physical attributes for anyone, even the featured model(s). These images can have negative affects on female adolescents’ self-perception. Body image is central to adolescent girls’ self-definition because they have been lead to believe that appearance is an important basis for self-evaluation and for public evaluation (Thompson, Heinberg, Altabe, &Tantleff-Dunn, 1999). Awareness of constant public evaluation and the internalization of the gaze of others lead young girls to self-monitor, and in turn judge their own appearance. (Advertising Educational Foundation Inc., 2003). Social comparison is another aspect that plays a significant role in female adolescents’ self-perception (Anderson et al., 2001). By comparing oneself to and attempting to fit such a stringent beauty ideal, female youth faces inevitable failure, resulting in body dissatisfaction, low s elf-esteem, and/or eating disorders (Heinberg, 1996; Rodin & Striegel-Moore, 1985; Thompson & Stice, 2001). Adolescents are vulnerable and easily influenced, and research demonstrates that adolescent females are directly affected by the stereotypes and thin images that depict female beauty in mainstream media. â€Å"Many adolescents are concerned with bodily characteristics and physical attractiveness, and the media is filled with people who exemplify a cultural ideal of beauty that is difficult for most adolescents to attain. For females, a critical part of this ideal is being thin† (Anderson et al., 2001). Exposure to these ideals and images has lead to distorted beliefs and definitions of beauty amongst young girls. One study shows female adolescents’ distorted description of the ideal girl, i.e., 5ft 7in., 100lb, size 5, with long blond hair and blue eyes (Nichter & Nichter, 1991). The problem with such a view is that adolescents often tend to relate themselves to it and attempt to change themselves accordingly. Previous studies have examined the negative effects that fashion magazines have on female adolescents. This study uses such literature to dive deeper into this problem, aiming to gather a better understanding of how time spent, repeated exposure, and both direct and indirect pressures from various media (TV, Internet, magazines) impacts self-perception amongst adolescent girls. Specifically focusing on girls’ ages 13-17, the goal of this study is to point out the effects the unrealistic female beauty ideal promoted by the mass media has on their self-esteem and body-esteem, given that adolescence is such an influential developmental stage. Literature Review Media or what is generally referred to as mass media is any form of communication that simultaneously reaches a large number of people, it is represented and not limited to TV, newspapers, magazines, films, books and billboards (Wimmer ). Given these multiple forms of media it has become possible to access a number of them at any given time. This explains why they have been so effective in influencing our culture, changing beliefs, tastes, interests and behavior (Biagi). It has become an important aspect in dictating what people consider as ideal. The most affected

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Kodak and Fujifilm Essay Example for Free

Kodak and Fujifilm Essay Kodak, which was once known as Eastman Kodak Company, was founded by George Eastman in 1888. This invention enabled inventor Thomas Edison to create the first motion picture camera in 1891. Kodak’s photography and imaging was its main big thing and was widely used from photography equipment to film, paper and color chemicals. Kodak set the standards high for quality when making its motion picture films. (Kodak) In the 1980’s, Kodak’s market share reached 90%. In the 1800’s he also invented an emulsion-coating machine which enabled him to mass-produce photographic dry plates, he was one of the first to prove the great convenience of gelatin dry plates over the cumbersome and messy wet plate photography prevalent in his day. Dry plates could be exposed and developed at the photographers convenience; wet plates had to be coated, exposed at once, and developed while still wet. The name Kodak was born and the KODAK camera was placed on the market, with the slogan, You press the button we do the rest. (Kodak) Kodak went on to become one of the biggest expanding the major impact it brought to pictures. It grew into helping the health industry by devising films that detected radiation exposure for developing the atomic bomb. (Kodak) Kodak went on to play significant roles with joint ventures from Nasa, Sun Chemical, and other big ventures. By 1962 the company’s U. S. consolidated sales exceed $1 billion for the first time. Its work force tops 75,000. Today Kodak’s estimated total market capitalization is about $900 million (Forbes) Kodak was a pioneer of photography and imaging and that was its core business. Kodak came before Fujifilm and was able to evolve and adapt quickly to the market changes. In January 2012, Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and in January 2013 it exited bankruptcy. Kodak’s downfall I think was that it was not able to keep up with the technology changes and multiple new waves of how it evolved. Ethics and social responsibility was on its side because of the good it did for the world through the company’s research and the profit margin showed that. Being able to help NASA and hospitals showed there ethical practices. Customers were satisfied and they trusted the brand. Obviously for them to have gone bankrupt means there was a breakdown in financial strategies and decision making. Fujifilm was established in 1934 with the aim of producing photographic films. Over the decades we have diversified into new markets and built a strong presence around the globe. It was founded by (Fujifilm. com) It emerged with its photographic film manufacturing industry and then began operating, producing photographic film, print paper, dry plates, and other photosensitive materials. It went through several name changes starting as Fuji Photo film and ending up as Fujifilm. Fujifilm may have started as a manufacturer of photographic film, but the companys decision to branch into many areas of business including a transition to a digital camera manufacturer in the past several years has been a successful one. (camersabout. com) Fuji has crossed over into hospitals providing x-rays and medical imaging. Fujifilm has offered photographic film, motion picture film, color reversal film slides, microfilm, color negatives, 8mm motion picture film, and videotape. Beyond film, the company also has offered computer storage tape, computer floppy disks, and offset printing plates. Fujifilm made its first digital still camera in 1988, the DS-1P, and it was the worlds first digital camera with removable media. The company also created the first one-time-use recyclable film camera, the Quick Snap, in 1986. (Cameras about. com) Fuji dominated overseas and has embraced change and diversity to become a more effective force for a better future. Fujifilm has continued to maximize other resources effectively to achieve healthy growth.. In 2007, Fujifilm cameras ranked eighth worldwide in number of digital cameras manufactured, with about 8. 3 million units, according to a Techno Systems Research report. Fujifilm cameras, sometimes shortened to Fuji cameras, held a market share of about 6. 3%. (fujifilm. com) they too have been innovators and there management strategies have kept them on top and out of trouble such as bankruptcy. Kodak was not quick as Fuji was to adapt and they adapted quickly to stay well liked in the marketplace. They went from just hot in Japan to being second in the lead below Kodak in film usage, Both companies show what their approach to ethics and social responsibility are by their profits and success. It takes good decision making, quick turn around, and constant change to ensure diversity with any company. Flexibility, the right marketing, and speed are important in decision making. Fuji was smart and aggressive going from overseas to the global market with their low prices that made for a powerful marketing strategy. 1984 Los Angeles Olympics put them on the map when they became the official film of the event. Kodak made bad investments that caused them to eventually go bankrupt. It acquired Sterling drug for 1. 5 billion in January of 1988 and it turned out to be a bad investment and they wind up selling it off. Once it started falling the CEO was not able to revive it. Both companies made photography and imaging as their core business but Fuji even though it started later had the better adaptability. Fuji stayed reinventing itself and evolved with the change to invent better products. Kodak seems to come to a standstill even when the smart phone was introduced. When making decisions to build in flexibility you need to access the option, define the problem, adjust your approach and have innovative thinking. (Houston chronicle, by Amber Keefer, Demand Media) Before proceeding with you of action you have to choose an adequate course of action, and then you define the problem. Gather information, evaluating possible solutions and estimating the outcomes are crucial steps in the decision-making process. The objective is to take a situation from its current circumstances and move it toward a future goal. When making decisions you have to understand what you need to change and come up with ideas on how to improve the situation. After analyzing the problem, the next step is to find a solution before making a decision and implementing changes. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options available. Think about the value of the actions you can take. After you decide on a solution, you might want to change your approach.. Evaluate new information as it becomes available to you. Flexibility in decision making allows you to learn from your mistakes and then move toward a successful outcome. When you prepare to implement change, it is important to consider your organization’s future needs and objectives. You have to consider various options as solutions to a problem tend to put more thought into making decisions. Critical thinking is important. Flexibility in problem solving is key and involves interpreting information, drawing conclusions and considering the implications. A decision maker must identify weaknesses of the situation and move to remove it from the equation. Then finally as you approach the final decision change often requires adjusting your approach to meet the unexpected. Keeping an open mind is important when considering the overall situation and looking at all facets of the problem. Building flexibility in decision making requires that you be receptive to change. Even the best-laid plans hit unanticipated obstacles. The key is to know when to adjust your approach. Effective decision makers demonstrate the ability to shift priorities as the need arises and show a willingness to achieve objectives by taking advantage of new opportunities. (Houston chronicle, by Amber Keefer, Demand Media) Kodak was first out the door in the business industry but made some financial mistakes that cost them in the end. They were not fast paced like Fuji with keeping up with the industryand keeping their technology current. Fuji looked for newer marketing strategies to please their customers and kept evolving. That would explain their success today. , Fujifilm has transformed itself into a solidly profitable business, with a market capitalization, even after a rough year, of some $12. 6 billion to Kodak’s $220m (petapixel. com) Kodak filed a lawsuit against Fuji claiming they had infringed on Kodak’s digital photography patents.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Deviance Essay -- essays research papers fc

"Discuss how one of the sociological theories of deviance can be used to explain social phenomena, such as pornography, drug use, suicide and disability." By Vanessa Neil 1 - Introduction 2 - A Brief background to the Interactionist Perspective 3 - More recent developments in the Interactionist Perspective 4 - Using the Interactionist Perspective to explain social phenomena 5 - Conclusion Introduction Deviant behaviour has sadly been a ongoing occurrence in society throughout history, more noticeably in life today. Sociologists have been provoked to study and form theories in order to try and explain why social phenomena such as suicide, prostitution and drug use occur in our society. The Interactionist Perspective, known to many as the Labelling Theory, is interested in social processes and examines deviant behaviour using such methods as social typing. The Interactionists emphasise the role that meanings play in the creation of deviant behaviour and gain a greater understanding of what it means to commit actions that others label as deviant. A Brief background to the Interactionist Perspective In order to discuss how the Interactionist theory can be used to explain deviance, it is necessary to understand the historical development and approach of this theory. The Interactionists firstly believe that there are no behaviours that are intrinsically deviant. Secondly, Deviant actions are simply those which are defined as deviant within a certain culture or setting. Therefore Interactionists focus on social processes by which certain behaviours become known as deviant and the consequences for those who are labelled deviant. (Aggleton, 1987, chpt 4) The Interactionist approach was at its height during the 1960’s and 1970’s, shedding a whole new, fresh perspective on the study of deviance. Here in Australia research on deviance was basically Functionalist and Positivist, Until 1970 when more critical approaches, like the Interactionist perspective began to appear. (Sargent, Nillan & Winter, 1997, pg 387) Interestingly the origins of the Interactionist approach go back as far as 18th century Philosophers, arguing with Positivist’s about how to best explain social behaviour. In 1938, professor, Frank Tannenbaum first observed the actual reactions to certain behaviours, rather than on beha... ...n going in our society due to the ‘stickiness of labels’ and ‘the self-fulfilling prophesy’ in which people grow into further careers of deviance, and the deviant cycle continues. Bibliography Aggleton, P. (1987). Deviance. London: Tavistock Publications Anleu, S.L Roach. (1991). Deviance, Conformity and Control. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire Goode, E. (1990). Deviant Behaviour. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Pontell, H.N. (1999). Social Deviance. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Rubington, E & Weinberg M.S. (1999). Deviance, The Interactionist Perspective. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Sargent, M & Nilan, P & Winter, G. (1997). The new Sociology for Australians. Melbourne: Longman Traub, S.H & Little C.B. (1994). Theories of Deviance. Illinois: F.E Peacock Publishers Additional Reading Cohen, S. (1977). Images of Deviance. England: Penguin Books McGrath, J.H & Scarpitti F.R. (1970). Youth and Drugs, Perspectives on a Social Problem. Illinois: Scott, Foresman and Company Wilson, P.R & Braithwaite, J. (1978). Two faces of Deviance. Queensland: University of Queensland Press

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mariveles National Highschool Malaya’s 2013 Education Week

Mariveles National Highschool Malaya celebrated its 2013 Education Week last December 16-18. It is a whole week activity and celebration that aims to enhance and emphasize the role of education in empowering and developing the skills of the students by showcasing their outputs and projects through Bazaars and Exhibit. The school created a small booth to be able to show the different beautiful and pretty dress that was made by the students in dressmaking.Seminars and workshops were conducted to strengthen the cooperation among stakeholders in education to provide high quality of education. Team building for teachers and students is another activity which inspires educators to do more for children and ensure their future. Academic and Co-curricular contest were also established to enhance student’s knowledge while still enjoying and having fun with co-students.The school also facilitates Tree Planting and Tree Growing as part of the aim of school is to produce youth that are res ponsible and have love for the environment. Disaster Risk Reduction and Related Life skills preparedness is another seminar that was conducted that gives the students as well as teachers an awareness for the preventive measures and behaviors during and after disaster.As the last part of the week celebration, the students and teacher were able to run for education through helping the Typhoon Yolanda victims by raising funds through â€Å"PISO mo Tabang mo† a Piso sign for a cause. And to celebrate also the spirit of Christmas, the school facilitates the Pasko na Gift Giving were the beneficiaries are from poor community and orphanages.The school aims for the celebration of education week benefits not the just the school but also the students, teachers, community and environment and beneficiaries of the fund raising project where Education week is not just pure education but also interrelate to the spirit of Christmas which is gift giving.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Psychology Journal Article Review Essay

Has the influence of others ever affected your decision making skills, or made you question yourself about the decision you made? In the aim to test whether or not pressure from a group of people affects a persons’ ability to conform. Psychologist Solomon E Asch decided to conduct an experiment to justify his theory. Asch gathered college students in groups of eight to ten where they were told that he was only studying visual perception. They were then given a simple line judgment task where the answer was made very obvious. The task was to decide which one of the lines on the right was identical to the line on the left. This was done over and over again for about eighteen times. However the trick in the experiment was that out of all the students in the group only one student was the one being tested. The rest of the students were instructed to provide incorrect answers to twelve out of the eighteen times they were asked about the lines. Purposely, Asch made sure that the person being experimented sat next-to-the-last person in each group to provide his answer so that he would hear most of the other incorrect answers before giving his own. They then would see if the individual would keep their choice or just conform to everybody else’s decision just because the majority of the group agreed to it. After the experiment Asch found out that thirty-seven out of fifty students that were being experimented on conformed to the majority’s decision at least once. However, fourteen of the fifty students conformed more than six times during the assessment. Asch being very bothered by these results stated â€Å"The tendency to conformity in our society is so strong that reasonably intelligent and well-meaning young people are willing to call white black. This is a matter of concern. It raises questions about our ways of education and about the values that guide our conduct. † ( McLeod, S. A. (2007) Simply Psychology [On-line] UK: Available: http://www. simplypsychology. pwp. blueyonder. co. uk/ Accessed: January 17, 2010). After the experiment when the subjects were being asked why they conformed to the answer some of them said that because they did really think that the other answers were correct. Another reason was that they just went along with everybody else’s same opinion because they did were basically afraid of being different of being thought of as dumb or unusual by the rest of his peers. Due to this Asch came to conclude that people conform for two main reasons one because the individual wants to be liked by the group or maybe because you believe that since you are doing the something different than the rest that they are better informed than you. Asch found out that the aspect that influences conformity is the size of the opposite people having the different opinion than you. He concluded that it is hard to sustain what you see versus something that nobody else sees. Pressure given by the expressed thoughts and opinions of other people can lead to change and alterations successfully making you see almost nothing. Alteration meaning changing your perception about the way the lines were being viewed in order to match with everybody else. In this assessment the independent variable were all the different students that were being tested with the same people in the room, these same students being there provided the same answers to the question sixteen out of eighteen times. The dependant variable was the test being taken and how many wrong answers were being provided for the subject of the experiment to see. In my opinion these results would have been different if we had paid more attention to the kind of people that were being analyzed. For example a person having a high self esteem versus someone having no self esteem at all which then would rapidly make them change their decision. This experiment could have been conducted better if they would have taken these factors in mind or if they would have just tested a similar group of people. Here you might have had people that will most likely listen to other people and then you have the people that are not afraid to be different . I think this experiment showed the correct by just a few people not conforming to everybody else’s choices because there are a very few people like that out in the world today . I think that these results will not really apply to other participants in other places at other experimental times because as stated before maybe not all the subject being tested might have the same mentality to change their answers that quick to be accepted by everyone else. This experiment however has a well contribution to the field of psychology explaining conformity and the different ways that pressure from people has an impact on you. In my cased I believe that everyone should read this experiment and that future edition of ext book should reference this experiment because it would be a great discussion topic and would bring up a good subject to talk about within our peers. This experiment has an impact in what our society is going thru today I believe we have a lot of individuals that are scared to be different I think this takes part greatly on the media and what he have seen growing up. Many people believe that always conforming to what everybody else is used to is always the right thing but what justifies this? Who has the right to say what is right is right and just because the majority of people believe this way it shouldn’t be the same you think. We shouldn’t have to format our minds to somebody else’s. That is the whole idea everyone is different in their own individual way which is what makes each and every one of us if not this world would be such a boring place. As reading about this experiment it’s silly but what came to mind was the show how wasn’t to be a millionaire. In that show which I believe you a bit reference on there is choices you have when you don’t know the answer to a question one of the choices is to ask the audience then the audience votes and obviously the contestant picks the answer they got the most votes. Then it is up to the individual to choose the answer that he thinks it is right nine out ten times the answer that the audience picks is correct which in this case this experiment would not justify the situation. Then we can ask is the individual doubting himself is he afraid to be different? Or in this matter is it not important whether or not they want to be different because there in money involved on the line. Different situations can alter your decision and decision making skills depending on the situation you are in and whether or not you choose to be different in that particular situation. Whether or not you choose to be different should be your decision and not a group of people. Knowing who you are plays big role in this case and if it is hard for you to find the right path then I think that it is better that you find it on your own first before asking someone else for advice and that is how you will find your true self which will then tell you apart from everybody else.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Visit to the planetarium essays

Visit to the planetarium essays Second Paper 11-27-00 I attended the Wagner College Planetarium(located in Spiro Hall)on November 15, 2000 at 11:00 for research and to observe the stars, planets and our entire solar system more closely. There was a clear dome on the ceiling for us to see the sky. The director of the show was Dennis Anderson. He put the latitude to forty degrees, and dimmed the lights. Up in the sky the stars are beautiful and bright. They seem, by the naked eye to be moving but the earth is what is actually moving. Everyone knows that the sky doesn't move. The earth rotates around the sun. The earth being in a different spot in its' orbit all the time gives us different stars to see at different times out of the year. A star is a huge ball of glowing gas in the sky. The Sun is a star. It is the only star close enough to the earth to look like a ball. The other billions of stars are so far away that they are no more than a pinpoint of light. A constellation is a bunch of stars in the sky that form a picture. Each Constellation has a definite time of the year when it reaches its highest point. At latitudes to far north or to far south of the equator, many constellations do not reach there culminates high enough to be seen. The constellations appear to move westward as the earth rotates around the Sun. For this reason, certain constellations can only be seen during one season of the year. There is Pegasus which is extremely large. If you connect the stars of Pegasus it is supposed to look like a horses body. However it is upside down. The instructor put a line going across the middle of the dome. It separated the sky from north to south. He said this line is called the Meridian. When a star is at the Meridian it is at its highest point. It is nine degrees elliptical on each side. The second brightest star is Mercury it has a very thick atmosphere. However the brightest star neares ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Beginners Guide to Identifying Trees in Winter

A Beginner's Guide to Identifying Trees in Winter Identifying a dormant tree is not nearly as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Winter tree identification will demand some dedication to applying the necessary practice to improve the skill of identifying trees without leaves. But if you follow my instructions and use your powers of observation you will find a pleasurable and beneficial way to enhance your skills as a naturalist- even in the dead of winter. Learning to identify a tree without leaves can immediately make your growing season trees easier to name. Using Botanical Markers and Tree Characteristics for Winter Tree Identification Dont be fooled into thinking that a twig key is the only answer when identifying a dormant tree. Your overall observation skills and sizing up a tree will be invaluable even as the twig key is tucked away in your warm library. A trees crown can give you valuable clues to finding a trees botanical name by unique crown shape, fruit and/or their leftover containers, persistent leaves, live twigs and growth habit. Get to know a trees characteristics or markers. Examining a Tree Twig for Winter Tree Identification To use a tree twig key means learning a twigs botanical parts. A key can help you identify a tree to the specific species by asking two questions where you can affirm one and eliminate the other. This is called a dichotomous key. Become familiar with a tree twigs characteristics. Using Alternate and Opposite Tree Leaf and Twig Arrangement for Winter Tree Identification Most tree twig keys start with the arrangement of leaf, limb, and buds. Determining opposite and alternate arrangements is the primary first separation of the most common tree species. You can eliminate major blocks of trees just by observing its leaf and twig arrangement. Identifying a dormant tree can be a visual challenge. Visit the  gallery of winter photos that illustrate many subtle botanical clues exhibited by dormant trees. Naturalist Josh Sayers has developed his Portrait of the Earth photo resource for identifying trees in winter. It may help to use this and other resources as you learn about trees and their dormant parts.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Chapter review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chapter review - Essay Example While the peacebuilding operations have gained pace, the studies with respect to the challenges and operations of peace building have also come into focus. They try to bring about therefore, a globalization of not merely the goods and services but the way a state should function. They promote democracy and free market mechanism. These standards are thus getting transmitted from the western regions (serving as the core) to the periphery (the nations undergoing reconstruction). This is the main point of argument in this research paper. The idea is not to proclaim that such globalization is not appropriate, but to focus on the perspectives of peacebuilding operations leading to promotion of a single kind of framework in terms of economy and administration. In this context, the activities of the peacebuilders might be related to the idea behind ‘mission civilisatrice’, which is the policy of civilizing the dependent countries followed by Europe during the colonial period. Th e analysis followed for the paper is qualitative in nature and secondary research method is followed to empirically show how the peace promoting organizations have promoted the liberal market democracies in the war-shattered nations. In the first section the author presents this empirical analysis and explains the mechanisms through which this process is put into action by the peacebuilders. In the second section the author first connects the idea of peacebuilding and that of ‘military civilisatrice’. Next, he associates peacebuilding operations with globalisation. The paper describes in the empirical analysis, how organizations like US Agency for International Development (USAID), The Organisation of American States (OAS) etc have promoted the western ideologies of liberal market democracy in peripheral countries like Namibia, Angola, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cambodia,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management - Research Paper Example This paper will discuss the evolution of management principle from the Classical School to the present and further compare, contrast, and relate different schools of management theory and management practices. Evolution of management principle from the Classical School to the present There are several theories originating from different principles throughout history which have seen management from their own point of view. These theories appeared due to the revolutionary development that has happened throughout history and not because they were planned. Management theories are broadly classified into three which are the classical management theory, the neoclassical management theory and the modern management theory. The classical management theory, which is also referred to as the traditional school of management, consists of a group that has similar ideas on organizational management which evolved from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. This theory evolved due to the In dustrial Revolution and consists of three branches, which are the administrative principles, bureaucratic organization, and scientific management. The common aspects of these theories under the classical management theory is that they all put an emphasis on the economic rational of management and organization, which assumes that individuals at work are motivated by economic factors and would normally choose that which will give them the greatest monetary benefits. The scientific management was championed in 1911 by Frederick Tailor, who is considered to be the father of scientific management; he emphasized on time and motion studies, production maximization, and task specialization. Taylor argued that other schools of thought leave workers too much discretion, and their potential at the workplace is not being maximized. Taylor argues that despite the fact that there is specialization and division of labor, employees still retain discretion on how to perform tasks. Scientific managem ent theory was designed so as to put management in control, designing and using studies that are scientifically measured while focusing on the most efficient work methods and then organizing and controlling workers to ensure maximum efficiency (Giannantonio & Hurley, 2011).This method had four elements where each job had to be broken down into elements and where each element is assigned a scientific way of handling it. Workers then would be selected and trained on how to do a task in a specific way, and there should also be good coordination between the managers and workers, and finally, there should be division of labor. He believed that this would determine the most efficient way of doing work. This method was challenged as there is no best way of doing work, and by the fact that there are also other factors other than money that affect productivity, like social needs, esteem and security needs. As the scientific management pioneers tried to find the best way of doing things, the administrative principle pioneers tried to explore possibilities of the best ways of pulling jobs together and operating the organization; they tried to find the best way of running an organization. This theory was championed by Henry Fayol, who introduced the principles of management which are fundamental functions of all managers; they include planning,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Epidemiological Research Article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Epidemiological Research Article - Assignment Example Strotmeyer et al research article that is based on an epidemiological study. This research was carried out to describe retention by age and visit type with a view to determine the characteristics associated with visit types in a longitudinal study among older adults (Strotmeyer et al, 2010). The article will be critiqued against the basic principles governing epidemiology and biostatistics to determine whether the components of its research design supports the research question. Direct health-care providers and epidemiologists differ in their approach to who constitutes a patient. This is despite the fact that all of them are concerned with the occurrence and subsequent control of a disease (CDC, 2012). Biostatisticians are concerned with general health of the inhabitants of a community or area while Clinicians are interested in the health of the individual (CDC, 2004). Biostatistically therefore this study has succeeded in identifying its patient subjects. The sample of this cardiovascular health study was 5888 persons aged between 65-102 years irrespective of their individual health status (Strotmeyer, et al, 2010). Both the clinician and epidemiologist would be interested in diagnosing the correct type of cardiovascular disease that the patient is suffering from (CDC, 2012). The point of departure which this study succeeds in doing is that it seeks to establish how age affects long term retention of participants in a cardiovascular health study. It also aimed at determining characteristics of visit types for a longitudinal epidemiological study of older adults (Strotmeyer et al, 2010). The choice of population in this study will influence the application of the findings of this study in other settings. The research question is contained in the abstract party of this research paper. The question presents a statement of purpose because it clearly states what is actually being investigated (Thompson Writing Program, 2014). The purpose of this