Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What Thoughts Run Through Your Mind Essay - 948 Words

Introduction Midterm, professor has just posted your grades online, you know you got either and A, B, C, D or F. You studied hard for an exam. You go online to see what grade you have received. Say you got an F. What thoughts run through our mind? Say you got an A. What thoughts run through your mind? System in America is a societal norm; however, important to analyze the system. Experienced the letter grading system since early elementary school, it is important not just to accept the system but to take a closer look at the system. I accepted the reality of the system ; time to inform myself about the system. After researching, I understand the three perspectives of the advantages, disadvantages, and a potential modification of the system. Therefore, I would like to assess multiple perspectives on the traditional A to F grading system by exploring the advantages, disadvantages, and a modification of the system to provide more insight and provoke thoughts. Sharing this information today and then hearing your opinions; better understanding of the grading system employed in America. End of our discussion, think more about the system in place as opposed to being a participant in the system. Signpost: First, we will explore the perspective of the system being advantageous. Body Advantageous due to four factors: precedent, source of recognition, promotion of academics rigor, and ease of comparison. First, according Thomas Guskey author of â€Å"Making the Grade: What BenefitsShow MoreRelatedSoftball Isn’T An Easy Game And Many People Make It Sound1254 Words   |  6 PagesSoftball isn’t an easy game and many people make it sound very informal. But what most people don’t understand is that this sport isn’t just a game where players run from base to base. The sports requires mental thoughts and training through the athletes’ minds when doing so. 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