Thursday, October 31, 2019

Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management - Research Paper Example This paper will discuss the evolution of management principle from the Classical School to the present and further compare, contrast, and relate different schools of management theory and management practices. Evolution of management principle from the Classical School to the present There are several theories originating from different principles throughout history which have seen management from their own point of view. These theories appeared due to the revolutionary development that has happened throughout history and not because they were planned. Management theories are broadly classified into three which are the classical management theory, the neoclassical management theory and the modern management theory. The classical management theory, which is also referred to as the traditional school of management, consists of a group that has similar ideas on organizational management which evolved from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. This theory evolved due to the In dustrial Revolution and consists of three branches, which are the administrative principles, bureaucratic organization, and scientific management. The common aspects of these theories under the classical management theory is that they all put an emphasis on the economic rational of management and organization, which assumes that individuals at work are motivated by economic factors and would normally choose that which will give them the greatest monetary benefits. The scientific management was championed in 1911 by Frederick Tailor, who is considered to be the father of scientific management; he emphasized on time and motion studies, production maximization, and task specialization. Taylor argued that other schools of thought leave workers too much discretion, and their potential at the workplace is not being maximized. Taylor argues that despite the fact that there is specialization and division of labor, employees still retain discretion on how to perform tasks. Scientific managem ent theory was designed so as to put management in control, designing and using studies that are scientifically measured while focusing on the most efficient work methods and then organizing and controlling workers to ensure maximum efficiency (Giannantonio & Hurley, 2011).This method had four elements where each job had to be broken down into elements and where each element is assigned a scientific way of handling it. Workers then would be selected and trained on how to do a task in a specific way, and there should also be good coordination between the managers and workers, and finally, there should be division of labor. He believed that this would determine the most efficient way of doing work. This method was challenged as there is no best way of doing work, and by the fact that there are also other factors other than money that affect productivity, like social needs, esteem and security needs. As the scientific management pioneers tried to find the best way of doing things, the administrative principle pioneers tried to explore possibilities of the best ways of pulling jobs together and operating the organization; they tried to find the best way of running an organization. This theory was championed by Henry Fayol, who introduced the principles of management which are fundamental functions of all managers; they include planning,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Epidemiological Research Article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Epidemiological Research Article - Assignment Example Strotmeyer et al research article that is based on an epidemiological study. This research was carried out to describe retention by age and visit type with a view to determine the characteristics associated with visit types in a longitudinal study among older adults (Strotmeyer et al, 2010). The article will be critiqued against the basic principles governing epidemiology and biostatistics to determine whether the components of its research design supports the research question. Direct health-care providers and epidemiologists differ in their approach to who constitutes a patient. This is despite the fact that all of them are concerned with the occurrence and subsequent control of a disease (CDC, 2012). Biostatisticians are concerned with general health of the inhabitants of a community or area while Clinicians are interested in the health of the individual (CDC, 2004). Biostatistically therefore this study has succeeded in identifying its patient subjects. The sample of this cardiovascular health study was 5888 persons aged between 65-102 years irrespective of their individual health status (Strotmeyer, et al, 2010). Both the clinician and epidemiologist would be interested in diagnosing the correct type of cardiovascular disease that the patient is suffering from (CDC, 2012). The point of departure which this study succeeds in doing is that it seeks to establish how age affects long term retention of participants in a cardiovascular health study. It also aimed at determining characteristics of visit types for a longitudinal epidemiological study of older adults (Strotmeyer et al, 2010). The choice of population in this study will influence the application of the findings of this study in other settings. The research question is contained in the abstract party of this research paper. The question presents a statement of purpose because it clearly states what is actually being investigated (Thompson Writing Program, 2014). The purpose of this

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Financing Shipping companies

Financing Shipping companies There are several advantages for a shipping company to outsource a particular service or department. The main advantages with outsourcing are better cost control, lower risk and the outside suppliers expertise. Better cost control is achieved because outsourcing leads to less fixed costs and more variable costs. This means that the company in the short term is more flexible, and able to adjust costs faster and in some cases with less hassle. Outsourcing a service or department also lowers the need for an initial investment by removing the capital injection necessary for establishing a department/service. Less fixed costs and less long term fixed assets means lower risk for the company. In economical theory there also is an general opinion that outsourcing in many cases leads to cost reductions, due to a small internal department within the company not having the same degree of expertise as a bigger outside supplier and therefore not being able to deliver the services at a competitive cost. This lack of expertise compared to the outside supplier that specialises in the segment might also lead to a lower quality of service if the work is kept in house. With regards to expertise there also is a big advantage in that the company can keep focus on their core business where they have the necessary know-how and stay clear of outside disturbance. There are however also disadvantages with outsourcing. The main problem is loss of control due to the company not having the same supervision over the work being done. Another problem is that the outside supplier might not be able to adjust the service as well as an inside department after the companys needs at any given time. The degree of the advantages/disadvantages with outsourcing varies greatly with the complexity of the work that has to be done, the potential savings and the importance of in-house supervision. A certain degree of outsourcing of services will always exist i.e. transportation for a companys employees, postal services, big IT reforms etc. Solstad has decided to keep outsourcing at a minimum and integrated shipping operations are a part of the companys philosophy[1]. The company manages the total operation of the vessels[2], and have a large onshore support mechanism which includes freight, crewing, accounting, chartering, technical, and other administrative functions. The company is nevertheless open to outsourcing services and will evaluate whether it is possible to achieve more cost effective operations and an optimal return on capital employed in cooperation with new suppliers with a view to long-term strategic co-operations[3]. Such collaboration is also evaluated with regard to risk and capital injection. How has your company financed its vessels? Explain advantages and disadvantages by such financing. It isnt possible to find public information on how most of the specific vessels have been financed. However according to a news article in Skipsrevyen[4] about the acquisition of the M/S Normand Seven, the long term financing for that vessel is provided by Eksportfinans in cooperation with Nordea Bank, Fokus Bank and Danmarks Skibskredit AS. The companys balance sheet doesnt show in detail to whom the long term liabilities is owed, so to answer the question we will have to assume that the financing of the M/S Normand Seven is representative of how Solstad normally finances its fleet. As of the end of 2008 the company have long term fixed assets in vessels and new buildings of 7.289.858.000 NOK[5]. This equals just over 70% of the companys total assets of 10.213.357.000. The assets are financed with a total equity of 3.697.624.000 and total liabilities of 6.515.734.000. Out of the total liabilities long term loans to credit institutions/leasing obligations amounts to 4.831.208.000. In economic theory an equity ratio of 30 % is generally considered healthy, and the company also states in the annual report that the aim is to be financed by the owners (equity) with a ratio higher than 30 %. The total equity in percentage of total assets in 2008 was 36%, well above the companys goal. The companys equities are important when you need to raise capital from outside sources, as it may provide security for the lenders. Assuming that the financing of M/S Normand Seven is representative for the entire fleet the long term liabilities is provided by commercial banks like Nordea bank, Fokus bank, and Danmarks Skibskredit as well as government backed ship credit schemes like Eksportfinans. According to the annual report some of the fleet is also financed by leasing agreements. The advantages in getting mortgage-backed loans from commercial banks are that capital can be raised quickly and flexibly, while the owner is still left with full ownership of the business. The disadvantages by such financing is that commercial banks are uncomfortable with loans that are longer than 5-6 years[6] and often prefers to receive a balloon payment that might be difficult to handle for the shipping company. A leasing company is often more attractive if the borrower want longer finance than a commercial bank is willing or able to take onto their balance sheets. Eksportfinans also offers longer term finance than is usual for commercial banks, and offer repayment periods for up to 20 years[7]. Commercial banks normally take little risk and require a lot of security to protect their investment. According to the annual report[8] some vessels are placed as security for the mortgages. In addition, accounts receivables and bank deposits (2007) are tied. Solstads loan agreements are also subject to the owners working capital being positive at all times and that the market value of the vessels amounts to at least 110-125% of the outstanding loans. The company states that they satisfy all conditions of the loan agreements at 31.12.08[9]. Name three of the most important conventions your company must adhere to. Give reasons why those are among the most important ones. Solstad have ships registered in the Norwegian International Ship Register (NIS), Isle of Man Ship Registry (IOM), and the Norwegian Ship Register (NOR). Some of the criteria for NIS/IOM/NOR registered vessels are that they adhere to international conventions such as Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74), Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW 95) as well as other international regulations ratified by the flag states. Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 74) is the most important international treaty protecting the safety of merchant ships in the world. The first version of the treaty was passed as early as 1914 in response to the sinking of the Titanic.[10] It prescribed numbers of lifeboats and other emergency equipment along with safety procedures, including continuous radio watches. The intention had been to keep the convention up to date by periodic amendments, but a completely new convention was adopted in 1974. The convention regulates among other things use of the global maritime distress safety system, set construction criteria (subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations), fire protection/detection/extinction, obligatory life-saving appliances and arrangements, radio communications, safety of navigation etc. and is the centrepiece of maritime safety. Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) is the main international convention covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes[11]. It was designed to minimize pollution of the seas, including dumping, oil and exhaust pollution. Its stated objective is to preserve the marine environment through the complete elimination of pollution by oil and other harmful substances and the minimization of accidental discharge of such substances. MARPOL contains 6 annexes, concerned with preventing different forms of marine pollution and covers pollution by oil, chemicals, harmful substances in packaged form, sewage, garbage and air pollution. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW 95) sets qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on seagoing merchant ships[12]. The aim of the convention was to introduce internationally acceptable minimum standards relating to training, certification and watchkeeping for officers and crew members. Today there are amendments concerning quality standards systems, oversight of training, certification procedures and rest period requirements. The amendments require that seafarers are provided with familiarization training and basic safety training which includes basic fire fighting, elementary first aid, personal survival techniques, and personal safety and social responsibility. This training is very important in ensuring that seafarers are aware of the hazards of working on a vessel and can respond appropriately in an emergency. Literature and references: Annual report (2008). Annual report 2008 Solstad Offshore ASA. Skudeneshavn. * Financial report (2009). 3rd quarter 2009 Solstad Offshore ASA. Skudeneshavn. Â · International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) (1973). International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) (1974). International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) (1978). * Misje, M. (1989). Solstad rederi A/S 1964 1989. Skudeneshavn: Solstad Rederi. * Misje, M. (2004). Solstad rederi AS: 40 Ã ¥r 1964 2004. Haugesund: Nils Sund boktrykkeri. Presentation 3rd quarter (2009). Presentation 3rd quarter 2009 Solstad Offshore ASA. Skudeneshavn. Solstad Offshore ASA website. * Stopford, M. (2009). Maritime economics 3rd edition. New York: Routledge. * Zachariassen, J. E. (2008, 21. April). M/S Â «NORMAND SEVENÂ ». Skipsrevyen. Eksportfinans website. [1] Annual report, page 2 [2] Annual report, page 13 [3] Annual report, page 13 [4] Zachariassen, 2008 [5] Annual report, page 26 [6] Stopford, 2009, page 284 [7] Eksportfinans website [8] Annual report, page 49 [9] Annual report, page 49 [10] International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 [11] International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 [12] International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978

Friday, October 25, 2019

Inuit Culture over Time Essay example -- canada, canadian

The Inuit people of Nunavik in Quebec province in Canada had lived in the harsh environment of the arctic for thousands of years with little contact from the outside world, but the Europeans have changed that, and the Inuit people have had to adapt to contact with other cultures and new technology. In the beginning of the Inuit Culture, the people had to be extremely resourceful in order to help the cope with the harsh environment of the Arctic, but when the Europeans arrived they made environmental changes and they also forced cultural changes upon the Inuit people. Now the Inuit people of Canada are forming their own governmental system which will allow them to protect and gain wealth from their own resources. The geographic features of Nunavik hugely influence how the Inuit people obtain food and shelter because it is such a harsh environment. As modern technologies became more prevalent, traditional methods of surviving were forgotten for many reasons. Pita Aatami, the pres ident of the Makavik Corporation, is a tribal leader who, along with other tribal leaders, has a vision of incorporating modern technologies with traditional values. The Inuit people of Nunavik had a very distinct culture before the Europeans arrived. The modes of transportation consisted of dog sleds, and kayaks made of skin and bone. Because of the cold climate, they ate animals from the ocean and rivers such as Beluga Whales, seals, and fish. In the summer, they found berries to eat. There are no trees in the arctic, so they used other resources to build shelter. They lived mostly in igloos, made of ice blocks and sealed by pouring water over them and letting it freeze. They also built sheds and other buildings out of whale bones and various animal... ...e Canadian government for the Nunavik Corporation’s plan for a Nunavik Regional Government. She first had the idea for the self government when she was vice-president of the Nunavik Corporation. She is now a board member on the Board of Nasavvik (an Inuit Health and Changing Environment agency) and is also on the Circumpolar Inuit Health Steering Committee. She has been working on Nunavik self government since 2002. The Inuit people of Nunavik have used their incredible resourcefulness to survive in the harsh environment of the Tundra and have a rich culture, but with the arrival of European technology, government and environmental destruction, their way of life has been threatened and much of their old culture has been lost. They are working to preserve their culture by passing it through education, and negotiating for more control so that they can do that.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Summary of Sam Shepard’s play: Buried Child

Buried child was penned down by Sam Shepard in 1978. This play is one of the Sam Shepard’s master pieces of all time. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, Shepard received the Gold Medal for Drama from the Academy in 1992, and in 1994 he was inducted into the Theatre Hall of Fame. Shepard is the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of more than forty five plays. Shepard won Obie Awards for eleven of his plays including Buried Child. (Amazon) In his family drama, Buried Child, Shepard takes a shocking look at an American Midwestern Family who has buried their dark secret in the field.This takes a form of paradox because the characters seem intricately entangled to each other by dark secrets; they are also for all time alone. In the start of the play Halie and Dodge engage into a hilariously gaunt quarrel wich they seem to have been having forever. Married to Halie, 65 year old, Dodge is seventy years old drunkard, smoker and frequently has violent coughing outbursts. He is seventy years old. Halie spends time with the church Father. The father is an alcoholic and likes to spend time with women. He enjoys the not-so-secret affair with Halie.Dodge fathered three children with Halie. Tilden, the oldest son shows up after 20 years. Tilden was an All-American quarterback or fullback. Now he is mixed up in the head and can't take care of himself. Bradley is not considered very bright; he chopped his leg in a chainsaw accident. Bradley has serious discrepancy with Dodge. Ansel, the soldier died in a motel, on his honeymoon with the Catholic Italian girl. Haley believes that Ansel got unlucky the day he married. (Amazon) Vince, Tilden’s son, arrives at the farm house but nobody recognizes him.When Vince brings his girlfriend, Shelly, home to meet his family, she is at first charmed by the â€Å"normal† looking farm house. Bizarrely, no one seems to remember Vince at first, and they treat him as a trespasser and imposter. Ultimately, they r eluctantly agree on acknowledging him as a part of their greatly dysfunctional family. Slowly and gradually, the dark secret that the old couple has been hiding from their children and grandchildren starts to pop out like a seed grows and the plant pops out tearing the earth.Long time back, Dodge buried an unwanted child (the product of an incest relationship between Tilden and his mother) in an undisclosed location. From that point onward, the entire family lived under a cloud of shame that is at last chased away when Tilden discovers the ill-fated child's remains and carries it upstairs to his mother. This act seems to wash out the family of its curse. Corn grows in the fields where nothing would grow for years. The play ends with a declaration of hope from Halie.(Theatre) The most important symbol used in the play is the rain, that lets the crops in the field grow. At the beginning of the play rain falls on the family’s farmhouse and all its visitors, washing away the dirt and the smell and, symbolically, the sins of their past. Some of the most powerful symbols in this play are associated with nature and fertility. The dead land where no crops have grown forever symbolizes Halie. It suggests that Halie was past menopause.The rain that brought the land to life and vegetation and plant life popped out of the dead earth. This particularly symbolizes Tilden’s potential of conceiving a child with his own middle aged mother. Tilden handles to reap the bare fields. (Amazon) References: Buried Child by Sam Shepard, Amazon. com, Amazon (2010), web, July 11, 2010 from http://www. amazon. com/Sam-Shepard-Starving-Turista-Tongues/dp/0553346113 Buried Child, Theatre database, Plot synopsis, n. d. web, July 11, 2010 from http://www. theatredatabase. com/20th_century/buried_child. html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Domino’s Pizza, Inc

Domino's Pizza, Inc. is an international pizza delivery corporation headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. Founded in 1960, Domino’s Pizza is the second-largest pizza chain in the United States. In 1960, Tom Monaghan and his brother, James, purchased DomiNick's, a small pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The deal was secured by a $75 down payment and the brothers borrowed $500 to pay for the store. Eight months later, James traded his half of the business to Tom for a used Volkswagen Beetle. As sole owner of the company, Tom Monaghan renamed the business Domino's Pizza, Inc. in 1965. In 1967, the first Domino's Pizza franchise store opened in Ypsilanti. Tom Monaghan original goal was to open three pizza delivery stores. That’s why there are three dots on Domino’s logo. Domino’s Pizza continued to grow and in 1978 opened its 200th store. Tom Monaghan launched Domino's Pizza Malaysia in September 1997. Franchising in Malaysia is still in the early stages while fast foods dominate the franchising sector with an estimated annual sales exceeding RM1. 3 billion. With the people’s growing appetite for fast food, the market outlook is good. The rapid growth of the fast-food industry brings both benefits and threats to our society. Normally, fast food restaurant is offering fried chickens, burgers, sandwiches or pizzas. Further more, there are only a few pizza chains in Malaysia like Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut and Shakey’s Pizza. Today, Domino’s Pizza is having more than 8,500 stores at all around the world and making a profit of USD35 billion per year. Domino's Pizza is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery operating a network of company-owned and franchise-owned stores in the United States and international markets. Domino's Pizza's vision illustrates a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

human travel systems essays

human travel systems essays We would like to take you on a marvelous trip through the skeletal system. In this trip you will view such sites as the working joints and bones and also the composition of the bone. We cant give away the whole trip quite yet so sit back and enjoy the ride. First we enter the body by being miniaturized and we will enter as given a shot into the tibia. Now that we are inside the bone we will look at how the bone is built, and made up of. Bones are very strong. They are compared to concrete, or cast iron. Some bones can withstand pressure of 220kg pscm. About 45% of the material of a bone are nonliving. The minerals are usually calcium and phosphorus; they give the bone strength. Living cells t have the same three layer setup. Short bones and many flat bones are mostly sponge, surrounded by a thin layer of hard bone. As children grow up they go through a transformation with their bones called ossification. When this processes happens the cartilage turns to bone. Next we hike up the steep yet very hard bone. As we go up the bone to get to the femur we must go over a hinge joint. A hinge joint is one of four of the major joints. The hinge joint allows only a back and forth movement, it is like a door hinge. Some examples of hinge joints are elbows and knees. Another type of joint is the ball ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Stylistic Analysis of an Advertisement

Stylistic Analysis of an Advertisement The text I decided to analyze is an advertisement taken from British edition of Cosmopolitan magazine (11/2007). The advertisement introduces new cosmetology product for men.Advertisement is a genre of newspaper style proper. Main purpose of advertisement is to sell the product and to make money. First they inform you they are introducing new product and they try to persuade you indirectly to buy it by using headline, emotionally colored words and syntax. In this case, Company Clarins promotes new product called Skin Difference, which makes shaving easier, slows down the growth of the beard and softens the skin. The name of the product 'Skin Difference' suggests that your skin will get smoother and softer when using this product. Language is presenting ['Clarins introduces Skin Difference, the best way to get kissed every day.'], convincing ['Bison Grass, Purslane, Chinese Ginger and Avocado help protect and moisturize while promoting firmer, more youthful-looking skin.'],Cosmopolita n (magazine)believable ['What's more, Skin Difference targets the entire face to smooth, soften and revive dull skin.'], and also instructive. ['One pump of the double-vial bottle delivers a unique formula that's exceptionally rich in powerful plant extracts.'] Language has a conotative function, because it is supposed to address and influence the reader to buy a product. It can directly address the reader. 'Big difference you'll both notice.' Purpose of pointing is to emphasize and to make it more persuasive.Cosmopolitan readers are girls and women aged 15 - 35. Although product is for men, advertisement is for women. Women are the target audience, because it is usually them who buy cosmetics for men. This affects the language too. Language addresses women, because it is them who want 'to slow stubble growth' of their boyfriends/ husbands and they want men to have 'smooth and soft skin' when 'kissing...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Create a Resume When You Switch Jobs Constantly

How to Create a Resume When You Switch Jobs Constantly You job hopped. There’s no shame in that. You surely had your reasons. And even if you didn’t, that period of leapfrogging from one position to another in the span of a few months or years doesn’t have to haunt the rest of your career. Job hopping these days isn’t considered as much of a no-no. Some companies even look out specifically for candidates who seem willing to try new things, gain out-of-the-box experiences, really expand their skill sets to be versatile and multi-faceted. After all, you’ve got a breadth of expertise and a range that few of your fellow job seekers can boast. Use this to your advantage as often as you can- make it a bonus on a resume, not something to hide. Here’s now.Prove Your Know What You’re DoingYour biggest concern is probably appearing reliable enough for the rest of the companies out there to take you seriously. The last thing you want to do is have your otherwise stellar application disregarded (even after a stellar interview) for being a flight risk. There will be hiring managers and employers who be scrutinizing you for this- and plenty of risk-averse HR folks that will go with the steady and sure bet every time. Remember, they’re looking for people who have risen through the ranks- or been promoted at every company they’ve worked for. And that’s hard to do when you’re not around long enough for promotion or review at most of the companies you’ve worked for. They’re biggest worry is of course that you will bail after a few months or a year or two and they will have to scramble to fill your spot.What can you do to keep yourself in the game when multiple-year stints of experience appear to be a prerequisite for hiring? Lots. If you’re applying to a company that isn’t into job hoppers on principle, there are plenty of ways you can tone down the job hopping on your resume and play up the skills you’ve gained in your ch eckered work history (instead of simply itemizing the checkered parts).Make skills the focus.Abandon the traditional chronological format. If you’re far from traditional, doing â€Å"the norm† can  hurt you. Opt instead for a hybrid resume, which crams your chronological work history at the bottom of your resume, and highlights your skillset up front.Pimp out your heading or summary statement by choosing a handful of your best assets and skills to highlight, drawing on your full experience base. List your accomplishments. Show how you’ve excelled. Paint a picture that will convince any hiring manager that you would be an asset to them- purely based on what you can do. You can list the company where you acquired that skill or nailed that achievement in brackets at the end of every bullet. That way, the recruiter sees the companies you’ve worked for and the skills you’ve gained first, before seeing how little time you spent at each.It’s also totally kosher to say you have â€Å"X years experience as Y,† provided you do. They don’t need to know yet that that experience was gathered across five jobs in as many years. What’s important is to emphasize the experience itself. You can spend the interview convincing them that the hopping makes your experience even more valuable as you’ve deployed your expertise in a wider variety of situations and come across a wider range of applications and other ways to prove your mettle.Talk  about what you want  now.Remember that what you want the person reading your resume to take away from it is that you are not a flight risk. Try including a line in your summary statement about how you’re looking for a long-term position with opportunities for growth, or for a position at a company that will allow you to be challenged and grow and help the company to grow as well. Make it clear wherever you left a position involuntarily (unless, of course, you wer e fired)- i.e. if there were layoffs or restructuring, or a company went under. This can show that you didn’t leave every job for a better title or a bigger paycheck and can go a long way towards showing that you aren’t incapable of loyalty.Bonus points if you can show how you made a lasting contribution to the company- even if you weren’t there all that long. If you have a lot of this to boast about, consider including an entire section of your resume dedicated to â€Å"accomplishments,† and making sure to focus this section on ways in which your accomplishments contributed to the company, not just accolades you earned for yourself. The trick is to show you can be a team player and a â€Å"company man† here.Don’t include everything.You don’t have to. If you worked one gig for only a month or two between longer stints- unless that company taught you something or gave you a skill or experience you need to sell yourself for this job, yo u can always leave that one out. It’s also totally fair to omit jobs that aren’t immediately relevant to the job title you’re applying for with this particular resume. Unfortunately, as a job hopper, you’ll have to do even more work than everybody else when tailoring your documents to each position you apply for, but the time and effort you spend tinkering will certainly pay off.Also, feel free to combine jobs into composite jobs. Did you spend a solid 3-5 years doing more or less the same thing, just at different companies? Contracting, perhaps? Freelancing or working in fields where work tends to ebb and flow? No worries! Group them all together under one general job header or composite position title. You did have that solid chunk of experience†¦ it just wasn’t all at one company. No need to be penalized for this.Deal with your gaps.If you have any big gaps in your work history, there are ways around this too. One trick is to eliminate the months from your dates of employment at each company. That way, you won’t have to explain those 2-8 months where you weren’t working- unless it comes up in the interview. But if you have a gap you feel you need to address, just be honest about how you spent that time. Even if you weren’t â€Å"working† or getting paid, you still might have been accumulating valuable skills or experience related to the jobs you are applying for. Any special projects, continuing education, volunteer or community work, consulting, or apprenticeships are relevant and can even score you bonus points.And if you’re just coming back to the workforce after a prolonged absence- for personal, professional, or family reasons- just be honest there too. Don’t feel the need to apologize. You did what was best for you and your family. There is zero shame in that. Keep your attitude positive and focus instead on showing how you’ve kept up-to-date with your industry wh ile you were out of the game. Hint: a good social media and LinkedIn presence with lots of industry engagement can go a long way here. Having a strong personal brand shows that you haven’t just been slacking in your â€Å"time off,† but always striving to be as polished, current, and professional as possible- even when technically unemployed. This can also help you to make a good first impression as a person, not just a chronological list of job titles held.Don’t neglect your cover letter.Perhaps your biggest trick in compensating for job-hopping or work history gaps in your resume is to make sure to accompany your document with a truly kick-ass cover letter. Make sure you stand out from the crowd. Be honest about your situation, but use the space you have to craft a narrative. Show them that they have no reason to fear. You’re no flight risk. You’re just a talented, experienced candidate ready and eager for the right opportunity at the right compa ny to get stuck in and make your biggest contribution yet. Show you’re in it for the long haul by mentioning a few reasons why that company appeals to you so much. Show how you complete each other!The overarching takeaway here is that you need to do a bit of storytelling. Spin your resume and cover letter to take a negative into an overwhelming positive. Make it part of your cachet and your personal brand. Tell a story about yourself that ties all of your disparate and wide-ranging experience together into one neat bundle that screams: hire me. Then head into the interview with the confidence that you are actually a catch, despite whatever fears HR might have given your non-traditional career path. Remember: use the cover letter to finesse the resume.Tweak the resume to sell your strengths so hard that your â€Å"weaknesses† are more difficult to spot. Then spin the whole thing into a convincing tale of you being the perfect fit. Use the interview to answer any remaini ng questions with the true conviction of knowing that what you offer- while perhaps not what they were expecting, at least on paper- is just exactly and absolutely what they need. And go land that job!And remember, you still need to  edit and finetune your resume as you normally would. Here are some additional tips for creating your resume that are absolutely crucial in getting your foot in the door.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

In Praise of Margins Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

In Praise of Margins - Essay Example The major weaknesses of this study are concentrated on the different examples of margins. As Ian Frazier notes, margins include both activities and places. Therefore, margins could include visiting a park, dancing studio, and visiting a friend’s place; and activities such as playing football or any sport, listening to music, watching movies, reading, dancing, and hiking, among others. Therefore, whether it is activities or places, margins are of value, as they provide individuals with an opportunity to be themselves and care less about the things in the outside world. It is therefore, important that an individual has margins, including activities and places, owing to the many positive outcomes that margins hold for an individual. A major example of margins in Frazier’s essay is the woods. As a child, Frazier and his friends spent most of their time in the woods. At this place, they together, had fun with each other and felt more comfortable. In the woods, Frazier and hi s friends would escape from the real world. They engaged in activities such as making forts and shooting frogs with slingshots. They also engaged in the activities of crushing ice and climbing trees. Here, they created their own little world where they did as they wished without fear of judgment. Frazier believes that the things that he and his friends did in the woods were marginal. However, these were important, as they served a purpose in his future. As an adult Frazier still visits the woods.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Development of Catholic Church Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of Catholic Church - Research Paper Example This paper will discuss the development of the Catholic Church, the church fathers, their opponents, and the theological disputes the church fathers faced. The spreading of Christian religion was more successful in urban areas among people of low social class, aristocratic women and slaves. The first Catholic Church was not well organized, thus; they came up with a structured hierarchy where the Bishop had authority over clergy in his city. By the third century, many things had changed, and the Bishop of Rome solved problems that other Bishops could not solve thus acted as a court of appeal. The doctrine of the Catholic Church was refined by the church fathers. Many years later catholic teachings came to be defined by proto-orthodox teachings. Christians faced persecution due to their refusal to give up their God and worship the gods of the other religions. The non Christians and the authorities felt that Christians were threatening their peace and the prosperity of the Roman Empire, by annoying the gods. Christians faced accusation of incest and cannibalism due to their secrecy in their religious practice. Any unusual occurrence in the empire was blamed on the Christians claiming that the gods were angry, and this led to the persecution of more Christians in the Roman Empire. All residents, except the Jews, had to give sacrifices to the gods or risk being persecuted. However, all these events took a turn when Constantine became emperor of the Western Roman Empire. He declared that his victory was attributed to Christianity. He came up with a law that mandated the acceptance of all religions in the Empire. After the Western Roman Empire failure, there were competitions between the Catholic Church and Arianism to convert the Barbarian tribes. In the late 15th century explorers and the European missionaries spread Catholicism in America, Asia and Africa. The Catholic Church had Church fathers. Church fathers were early eminent Christian teachers, bishops and infl uential theologians. The church fathers faced a number of theological disputes. For, example, Jesus Christ in the Eucharist was a sign of contradiction to the early church fathers. Some people did not believe that the Eucharist was a representation of the body of Christ or the symbolic memorial of Christ’s death. The cross was also a point of dispute. It is believed that Jesus Christ died for man’s sin, yet the Catholics believe that we should obey God, love others and go through suffering and pain. This is a contradiction since Jesus suffered on the cross for man’s sins. Human embryo is also another contradiction. This was seen as a sign of dispute the church fathers engaged in because it is believed that, the embryo is already a human being and that human beings were created in the God’s likeness (Edward 23). Augustine of Hippo was a bishop of Regius. He believed that Christ’s grace is indispensable to the freedom of human Augustine was converted to Christianity after hearing the story of Placianus. This story inspired him and led to his conversion to Christianity. He gave up his social life and dedicated his life to serving God and practiced priesthood, including celibacy. According to him, his conversion was prompted by a voice he heard that was child like telling him, â€Å"tolle, lege† (â€Å"take up and read†). Augustine considered the fact that people believed the soul originated from God as

Proofs for the Existence of God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proofs for the Existence of God - Essay Example There are unanswered questions even today about the importance and existence of God as creator of this universe or the galaxies that astronomers see through their ever more powerful telescope. If it is conceivable that this universe had a beginning and will have an end, then it is logical to assume that it must have had a creator, since nothing can be created out of nothing. While John Leslie in his treatise on the subject of ethically required existences argues that there must be proof of God somewhere in the system of things, St Anslem of old puts the cart before the horse and argues that the importance that religion and mankind gives to God proves his existence (Anslem, 4)1. Explication To my mind, both philosophers are arguing for the existence of God, but each from a different standpoint. John Leslie, in his argument for what he calls ‘ethically required existences’, relies on the tenets of naturalism and prescriptivism to explain his viewpoint (Leslie, 1972:222)2. St. Anslem however takes a more unconventional approach and states that to think of God is to think of the Greatest Power that the Universe has ever known, and undoubtedly since some Power created this Universe and every living and inanimate thing out of nothing at all, that Power can only be God and belong to God. No one can create something out of nothing except God. Therefore it is imperative that we believe in the existence of God, the Creator and Master of All the known universe and its galaxies etc. It is far better to accept the existence of God because each creature in the universe is the product of intelligent design and that presupposes a creator. Main Argument John Leslie starts with the notion that we cannot label anything as intrinsically good or bad unless we know what good and bad is, therefore we are making a judgment that can only depend on prior knowledge or something that is inherent in man’s nature or existence. If morality or ethical behavior is what sepa rates us from the animals or at any rate, the creatures that lie below us on the totem pole of existence, then there is someone or something that put it in our hearts, or minds and our souls, and that could only be God. No wonder it is often said that ‘Conscience is the voice of God in man’. The very fact that we all come into this earthly existence with an inbuilt sense of morality is proof enough of the existence of God, a creator that prefers us to be good and do good, but has given us free will all the same, in order to test our level of obedience to him in this earthly life. To support St. Anslem’s argument, since it is so confusing, I prefer to put forward what has been called Pascal’s Wager to prove the existence of God. Pascal’s Wager induces us to wager that there is a God, rather than there is not. He has very interestingly drawn out parallels whether we believe in God or do not believe in God because we cannot do both. Either we believe i n the existence of a Supreme Being or we do not. But suppose if we did and there is indeed a God that meets us at the Pearly Gates or whatever as we pass into the afterlife. In that case we would indeed be pleased that we assumed correctly that God did exist. Indeed this assumption also makes our moral life on Earth easier as well. We take pains to do good and be good because

Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema - Laura Mulvey Essay

Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema - Laura Mulvey - Essay Example These are the issues that Muvley is attempting to address using psychoanalysis. In essence, Muvley outlines that the female can only fit within the male dominated society by considering herself as castrated due to her lack of a male sexual organ. In addition, the female also has the alternative of constructing meaning through her child. Muvley continues to outline that the film industry especially Hollywood has not been able to give meaning to the role played by the woman in a perspective that it free of the male perception. According to Muvley, the source of female persecution is the society’s poor understanding of the role of the female and the same aspect is reflected in the film industry. Reading the article has significantly changed my perception of movies especially in the contemporary world where some movies claim that they support feminism. In other words, most movies claim to be supporting the role and position of the woman in the society while in actual sense they are just displaying the woman as a shadow of her male counterpart. The observation also brings into question the strategies that can be employed by the society to ensure that the female is adequately represented and that she can be able to identify with female protagonists in films. An example of such a film is the movie A League of their Own. The film recounts the story of women who engage in professional baseball after most of the men are sent to war during the 2nd World War. Although the film might be taken as a film emphasizing on gender equity because the female has been given the chance to demonstrate her skills in a male sport, there are aspects in this photo that indicate that the female is still a shadown of the male. The photo displays the female as being strong and bold and even managing to take a role in a sport that was previously known to be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Probation Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Probation Process - Essay Example Presentencing Investigation report is a core source of information used by judges when sentencing. It provides information on personal history as well as criminal conduct of the defendant. This ensures that judges give individualized sentence. Moreover, the report contains information such as the age of defendant, which helps the judge decide on the appropriate sentence. Furthermore, the report helps the judge to decide if the defendant should serve jail term and the appropriate kind of correction facility to send the defendant (Clear, Cole, & Reisig, 2008). The factors considered in the report include the prior criminal convictions, account of the offense, work history as well vocational information of the defendant, marital and financial status of defendant, educational background, defendant and victim’s statements, sentencing guidelines and sentencing recommendations. Additional factors considered include the medical, psychiatric, or psychological history of the defendant and the explanation of harm suffered by victim. Another factor considered in the report is the defendant’s probable adjustment in community (Clear, Cole, & Reisig,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business strategy in student banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9250 words

Business strategy in student banking - Essay Example Another important feature of the student market is the possibility for above-average profitability. Lewis (1982) suggested that banks understood that ‘it is important to attract students to open accounts when they begin college, in the expectation that they would stay with the after graduation, and be lucrative, in the long run, for the bank.’ The fundamental reason for this observation is that college student is the section of the population who has the likelihood of earning a larger income than any other section of the population. As stated by Duncan, Smeeding & Rodgers (1992), only individuals who are studying have a considerably greater probability of rising from the low income strata into the middle class. Specially, as contrasted with non-graduates of similar age group, graduates usually secure more highly paid jobs, achieve a more developing career and thus, grow a need for a greater variety of personal financial services as they go by their own life cycle. The sk ill to build up an existence in the student market through suitable attainment and maintenance strategies is thus expected to have an effect on banks’ future market share and revenue (Thwaites & Vere, 1995).International students signify as a significant market for financial institutions such as banks. The skill to value, comprehend and deal with the precise needs of this segment section of the population is now a vital market reality (Cicic, Brkic, & Agic, n.d). Bankers can no longer maintain their conventional belief that only business.

Probation Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Probation Process - Essay Example Presentencing Investigation report is a core source of information used by judges when sentencing. It provides information on personal history as well as criminal conduct of the defendant. This ensures that judges give individualized sentence. Moreover, the report contains information such as the age of defendant, which helps the judge decide on the appropriate sentence. Furthermore, the report helps the judge to decide if the defendant should serve jail term and the appropriate kind of correction facility to send the defendant (Clear, Cole, & Reisig, 2008). The factors considered in the report include the prior criminal convictions, account of the offense, work history as well vocational information of the defendant, marital and financial status of defendant, educational background, defendant and victim’s statements, sentencing guidelines and sentencing recommendations. Additional factors considered include the medical, psychiatric, or psychological history of the defendant and the explanation of harm suffered by victim. Another factor considered in the report is the defendant’s probable adjustment in community (Clear, Cole, & Reisig,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Proessionals Responsibility To The Society Essay Example for Free

Proessionals Responsibility To The Society Essay Professionals should not restrict their work to their work place only. Instead they should extend it to the community in which they operate. Professionals can be involved in the society in many ways which include education, economic empowerment and creation of international links. Professionals have a wider understanding of the contemporary affairs. This knowledge can be used to educate the society on its civil rights, how to respond to social challenges and enlightening them on the national and international affairs. The society expects the professionals to use their knowledge and understanding of these matters to help them to be better braced to face challenges in the society. Education can be done through seminars, awareness meeting and mobilizations in order to enable the people to live together harmoniously. The society needs awareness in matters of gender parity, respect for religious and racial differences within the community and other social matters as may be violated in the society. Another area of education is how to utilize the natural resources sustainably since ignorance of such a serious matter can cause drastic effects on people. Â  Professionals can also contribute to the economic empowerment of the society through many ways. They can either directly or indirectly take part in activities aimed at developing people economically in the society. They can do this by proving the necessary conducive environment that can enable people in the society to realize their full potential. In empowering people, professionals have the obligation to enlighten the society on the factors of production available to them and how to look for market for their goods. They can also contribute directly by building schools, factories and medical facilities where people in the community can access them easily. Professionals are in a better position, due to their experience and knowledge, to identify talents in the society. Such talents can be developed and promoted in order to enable be people to live to their potentials. Organization of sporting activities and meet people campaigns are some of the activities which can be used to achieve this. At the same time professionals can use their knowledge to provide carrier counseling for students within the community in which they work. This can help them in choosing their carriers hence empowering them economically in future. Â  Professionals can help to link the society with the outside world. Since they have a better understanding of the culture, believes and economic activities of other people, they can enlighten the society not only on how to interact but also areas of interaction that can realize maximum returns out of such interactions. They can be involved in exchange programs in fields of education, business and culture to mention but a few. This can promote international understanding and cooperation among different countries. Â  Journalists are supposed to provide information to the society. However, this can be difficult in societies where the living standards are low. It becomes difficult for people to access the information due to poverty levels. At the same time some in some countries there is lack of freedom to journalists. They are limited on what they can report. While fighting for their rights, they should fight for the rights of the society as well. Â  Teachers on the other hand are supposed to reduce illiteracy level in the society but this is made difficult by the fact that education is expensive in some countries. Cultural reasons also water their efforts to lighten the society through education. Â  Lawyers can be of benefit to the society by promoting civil rights in the society but their work is hindered mostly by cultural and reasons. Some practices which violate human rights are in most cases valued highly by people in the society. Failure to report of injustices committed in the society also contributes to the difficulties the lawyers face in carrying out their responsibility to the society. Â  Reference: 1). 2).

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Impressions Of Pride And Prejudice

The Impressions Of Pride And Prejudice Elizabeth Bennets pride and prejudice gives her inaccurate first impressions of Fitzwilliam Darcy. In the beginning, Elizabeth judges Darcy as the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world (Austen 8). This denotes the beginning of Elizabeths prejudice against Darcy, which further increases after he insults Elizabeth by calling her tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me (Austen 9). Although this is insufficient basis for her prejudice against Darcy, when she hears the awful stories about Darcy from Wickham, she is given more reasons to develop her prejudice against Darcy and even deepens her dislike of Darcy to the point that she views Darcy as having such malicious revenge, such injustice, such inhumanity (Austen 71). Elizabeths prejudice of Darcy is also further fuelled when Colonel Fitzwilliam implies that Darcy has intentionally broken up the relationship of Mr Bingley and Jane, Elizabeths eldest sister; Darcy does not want Mr Bingley to suffer the inconveniences of a most imprudent marriage (Austen 165). Since Elizabeth is a proud person and she dislikes being wrong in her judgements, she never expresses her views of Fitzwilliam Darcy. However, Elizabeth is wrong on two counts. Firstly, Wickham tells Elizabeth a fictional story about Darcy. She discovers that after Darcy writes a letter to Elizabeth after his failed first marriage proposal to Elizabeth, explaining the reasons and truths behind his own actions regarding his friendship with Wickham. Elizabeth feels ashamed, feeling that she had been blind, partial, prejudiced, and absurd (Austen 185). Secondly, Darcy misjudges Elizabeths sister to be indifferent to Mr. Bingley and he fears for Mr. Bingleys happiness; but Elizabeth corrects Darcy about her sisters feelings toward Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth finds this out in Darcys letter to her. Elizabeth has shown pride in herself, guarding her judgements and impressions of people, that she is blinded by her own prejudice. Fitzwilliam Darcy is not the only person of whom Elizabeth Bennet has the wrong first impression; she also has the inaccurate first impression of Wickham. In the beginning of the story, he is introduced as a handsome soldier: His appearance was greatly in his favour; he had all the best part of beauty, a fine countenance, a good figure, and very pleasing address. The introduction was followed up on his side by a happy readiness of conversation a readiness at the same time perfectly correct and unassuming (Austen 64). Wickham appears to be the complete opposite of Darcy. Elizabeth responds well to that kind of character, because she is already prejudiced against Darcy, a different kind of character; also, Wickham does not offend her pride. Wickham appears to be a friendly person, and Elizabeth immediately befriends him. When Wickham tells her his story about his acquaintance with Darcy, Elizabeth honoured him for such feelings, and thought him handsomer than ever as he expressed them (Austen 71). This increases the effects of her pride and prejudice against Darcy. Wickham manipulates Elizabeths pride and prejudice in a way that makes him seem an honourable person in comparison to Darcy. However, Elizabeth is also wrong about Wickham, because Darcy writes her a letter explaining his past acquaintance with Wickham and the reasons behind the end of their friendship. Elizabeth is astonished when she reads a passage in Darcys letter: Mr Wickhams chief object was unquestionably my sisters fortune, which is thirty thousand pounds; but I cannot help supposing that the hope of revenging himself on me, was a strong inducement. His revenge would have been complete indeed (Austen 180). Elizabeth is thrown into an emotional confusion as she tries to examine Darcy by his letter and his behaviours. She realizes at the end that Wickham has instilled a sense of falsehood concerning Wickhams acquaintance with Darcy. Elizabeth changes her mind about Wickham and views him differently after reading the letter from Darcy. Elizabeths pride and prejudice influences her to think good of Wickham in the first place because he is the polar opposite of Darcy. In addition, Elizabeth Bennet is not the only character with pride and prejudice. Fitzwilliam Darcy is another example of a person proud and prejudiced. Fitzwilliam Darcy is described as: Darcy was clever. He was at the same time haughty, reserved, and fastidious, and his manners, though well bred, were not inviting. In that respect, his friend had greatly the advantage. Bingley was sure of being liked wherever he appeared, Darcy was continually giving offence (Austen 13). The quote describes how the people in Hertfordshire, including Elizabeth, views Darcy. He acts in this manner because he is a proud and wealthy person. Charlotte Lucas explains the reason for Darcys actions: His pride, said Miss Lucas, does not offend me so much as pride often does, because there is an excuse for it. One cannot wonder that so very fine a young man, with family, fortune, everything in his favour, should think highly of himself. If I may so express it, he has a right to be proud (Austen 16). Darcy is proud because he has everything he could ever ask for, such as social connections, fortune, social status, and friends. He views Elizabeth as an inferior because of her family, her connections, and her wealth. Because of Darcys pride, he becomes prejudiced towards Elizabeth. Despite his prejudice against Elizabeth, he begins to love her. Darcy really believed, that were it not for the inferiority of her connections, he should be in some danger (Austen 45). Darcy is sure that Elizabeth will have bewitched him if she has social connections and wealth, but Darcy does not realize that he has already begun to love her. His love is blinded by his own pride and prejudice. As the story progresses, Darcy finds it hard to resist Elizabeths charm to the point that Darcy proposes to her. However, this is an emphasis on Elizabeths inferiority in Darcys views: He spoke well, but there were feelings beside those of heart to be detailed, and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride. His sense of her inferiority of its being a degradation of a family obstacles which judgements had always opposed to inclination, were dwelt with a warmth which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit (Austen 168). Darcy proposes marriage to Elizabeth, reminding her about her familial and social connections. This shows that Darcy is conscious of Elizabeths social and financial status. Darcy is concerned about himself; however, he is partially willing to throw away his pride for his love of Elizabeth. Nevertheless, Elizabeth does not accept Darcys proposal and explains her reasons. Darcy is forced to re-examine himself and recognize his wrongful actions. When he realizes that he is too proud and prejudiced, he experiences a massive character transformation. After his self-examination, Darcy appears a different man and less prejudiced. He helps Elizabeths family by bringing Bingley and Jane back together, and finding Lydia and Wickham. He makes sure Wickham will marry Lydia even though the situation does not directly affect him, because4 he knows that will make Elizabeth happy and relieved. Elizabeth plays an important role in Darcys life; because of Elizabeth, Darcy is able to overcome his pride and prejudice. On the contrary, Elizabeths first impression of Mr. Collins is correct, although Mr. Collins is an easy person to decipher. Mr. Collins is a predictable character, a nervous person, and one who obviously admires his patroness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Mr. Collins has stayed as a guest at Elizabeths family home to solve the disagreements between Mr. Bennet and Mr. Collins father. Since he is not a complex character as Darcy and Wickham are, Elizabeth can figure him out: It now first struck her, that she was selected from among her sisters as worthy of being the mistress of Hunsford Parsonage, and of assisting to firm a quadrille table at Rosings, in the absence of more eligible visitors. The idea soon reached to conviction, as she observed his increasing civilities toward herself and heard his frequent attempt at a compliment on her wit and vivacity; and though more astonished that gratified herself, by this effects of her charms, it was not long before her mother gave her to understand that probability of their marriage was exceedingly agreeable to her (Austen 78 79). Elizabeth Bennets mother hints at Mr. Collins real purpose for visiting the Bennets. This information from her mother influences Elizabeth in a way that she develops her first impression of Mr. Collins before he even comes to visit. Therefore, Elizabeths first impression of Mr. Collins is untrue, she does not develop her opinion of him on her own as she has with her opinions of Darcy and Wickham. In conclusion, first impressions of people are influenced by a persons pride and prejudice. Elizabeth Bennets pride and prejudice influences her first impressions of Fitzwilliam Darcy and Wickham, and her first impressions are wrong; the same can be said for Fitzwilliam Darcy. Therefore, the characteristic traits of pride and prejudice are the central role in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparing Language and Identity in Pygmalion and Educating Rita :: comparison compare contrast essays

Pygmalion and Educating Rita:   Language and Identity  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This essay is based on the reading of two literary plays, George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion and Willy Russell’s Educating Rita. Language and identity are two expressions that need to be explained. English is the official language in several countries; Chinese is the language spoken by Chinese people and Danish is how Danes speak. But languages could also be described as different ways of talking due to social background, education, profession, age and sex. A person’s language is connected to his social situation. Eliza, the cockney flower girl from the gutter does not speak the same language as professor Higgins, even if English is their common mother tongue. They speak differently because they belong to different social worlds. Identity can signify the very special characteristic of a person, something that makes him differ from others. EDUCATION AND IDENTITY CHANGES Eliza and Rita, the principal characters of the two plays are both objects of identity change in the course of the stories. Are these changes identical or can we find differences? The two young women originally come from intellectually poor circles. Eliza is a young flower girl who speaks a gutter language. She talks in the following way: "Aint no call to meddle with me, he aint." (1) Her manners are crude, and her cockney accent leaves her feeling as if she is a second-class citizen. She is treated that way. Still, she seems to be proud of herself, "I’m a good girl, I am." (2) Rita is a twenty-six-year-old, brash, earthy hairdresser, married to a Liverpudlian beerdrinker who demands her to have children and to be a good wife. She feels unsatisfied with her marriage. At the hairdressing salon where she works, she gets tired of the daily listening to women who talk a lot without saying any important. "They never tell y’things that matter." (3) The story of the two plays tells how the education of the women changes their lives. There are remarkable progresses in their studies and the result is an obvious change of their lives. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CHANGES I would guess that many readers and spectators of the two plays regard them as about the same story. As a matter of fact, they are not. There is at least one important difference. The changes are not the same. One of them is external while the other is internal.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Death Penalty :: essays research papers

The Death Penalty Is the death penalty just or unjust? It has been argued that capitol punishment is imposed merely to gratify a desire for revenge. Whether or not a punishment is legal depends upon whether or not it serves a valid goal or purpose of a policy. The death penalty is usually defended on two grounds; is useful and that is just . Is capitol punishment moral or immoral? Is the death penalty moral? Capitol punishment is imposed to spare future victims of murder by carrying out the threat of execution upon convicted murderers. The death penalty punishes them not for what they may or may not do in the future but what they have already done. It's unclear that the murderer has the same right to live as their victim. " Our ancestors... purged their guilt by banishment, not death. And by so doing they stopped that endless vicious cycle of murder and revenge." (Euripedes, Orestes 408 B.C.) By 1500 in England only major felonies carried the death penalty. Reform of the death penalty began in Europe by the 1750's. By the 1850's these reform efforts bore fruit. Michigan first abolished the death penalty in 1847. Various public opinion polls report that more than 70% of Americans favor the death penalty for murder. By 1991, some 2,350 persons were under the death sentence in 36 states. The death penalty should be moral because, " a life for a life." Is the death penalty immoral? Life imprisonment without the possibility of parole is a realistic alternative for the small number of offenders who are likely to be executed in any given year. Justice does not demand death but justice does demand that murderers be punished. If punishment is justifiable as for restoring justice and the moral order, it does not necessarily follow that capitol punishment is moral. " The death penalty only allows us to extend the pain. It allows us to continue to blame one another, to turn against one another, to learn to hate better" . Many people think that by executing some criminals, we will deter others. The cost to send a murderer to a death penalty is about 3 million dollars. The cost is dramatically lower to keep a criminal in for life imprisonment without the possibility for parole. The death penalty is just " cruel and unusual punishment." Personally, the death penalty is moral and just. If you take a life you should have yours taken. It is here to show that the death penalty punishes the murderer for what they have already done.

Friday, October 11, 2019

From Modernism to Post-Modernism

The Modernists wanted to free art from the constraints of classicism and to promote critical, free thought but whether or not they succeeded is still a matter of debate.   It began with Manet’s Impressionism on to the outrageousness of Dali’s Surrealist Manifesto. It was an intellectual attack on classical thought. Modernism and its successor, Post-Modernism indulged the artistic world in the subject of intellectual critical thinking and individualism and could be seen as the bravest contradiction to what art was previously believed to be. Modernism infiltrated every form of thought including philosophy, law, music, literature and architecture. It wanted the world to have their own thoughts and not believe what they were told to believe. Yet how different was Post-Modernism from Modernism? Did it succeed in changing the way people think and is it really ‘art for art’s sake? In this essay we examine these questions with reference to artist who were prominent Modernists. By definition ‘modernism’ is â€Å"period dating from roughly the 1860’s through the 1970’s and is used to describe the style and ideology of art produced during that era.†(Witcombe, 1997). Therefore this era of art included styles such as Impressionism, Surrealism and Realism. It is a broad spectrum from which to work. Arguably, Monet was the father of Impressionism, who saw the value of art no longer in reproducing the subject in detail and to perfection, but rather to capture the moment in time that could never be captured again. Professor Witcombe of Sweet Briar College says that it is generally agreed that Edouard Manet was the first of the ‘modernist’ painters (Witcombe, 1997). Classical artists had been preoccupied with classical subjects, particularly in the ‘Romantic’ period such as Delacroix and David (Witcombe, 1997). Modernism appeared to have failed in the early 20th Century, with the collapse of the Communist movement. It seems that at that stage looking at Surrealism for example, free thought and freedom of expression was about to be tested again with the onset of the World Wars. Yet where Modernism itself began and where it ended is still largely a mystery to most people. For instance, looking at the work of Cezanne in the early stages of the Modernist period, the essential ‘breaking down’ of subjects to their smallest most geometric states gave rise to a form of minimalism that contradicted the complexity of the Modernist age. Sigmund Freud ushered in the ‘new age’ of mental evaluation with world-shaking consequences and his ideas stretched from philosophical thought through to the film industry. Acceptably known to have influenced the work of painter Salvador Dali and film-maker Alfred Hitchcock, Freud’s ‘modern’ thought was seeking to ‘free’ the mind of the constraints of classically accepted reality. Essentially (as with the Cezanne’s art), this meant breaking humanity down to its smallest and simplest parts. As Witcombe describes it, â€Å"it should be clear that modernist culture is Western in its orientation, capitalist in its determining economic tendency, bourgeois in its class character, white in its racial complexion, and masculine in its dominant gender.†(Witcombe, 1997). As art became freed of the bonds of classical feudal law, so society attempted to pursue ‘liberalism’ with Karl Marx’s Utopia rising and falling abruptly with the failure of Communist Russia. There was at this stage too a profound interest in understanding the human interaction. The old idea of science as a purely empirical discipline gave rise to the human element in the work of sociologist Max Weber (Ludington, 2000). Artists no longer wished to conform to a particular style of art but preferred to create their own signature style. Even in the Impressionist school, a distinguishing factor could be found in each of the artists making them individual: Monet, Renoir, Manet, Degas and Van Gogh. Picasso’s solid external outline and geometric shape can be seen distinctly in the work of Paul Cezanne, meaning that his idea was not entirely original but influenced by previous artists. The idea of being unique and ‘inventing’ a new art was and always will be contested by the reality that and ‘influence’ ‘recreates’ the already created. Modernism was meant to free the artist of this exact emotion as well as being representative of the present social climate. This could be seen effectively in the work of Gustav Klimt and Antoni Gaudi in the early 1900’s. The Art Nouveau period specifically identified the new-found freedom of money and if there was none, to at least pretend there was. Casa Battlo (1906-1908), Antoni Gaudi architectural piece, resembled the carefree nature of the Art Nouveau period. Being completely fantasy and out of this world it appears it could have been made from an assortment of candy rather than brick and mortar. The dream-like realm for which Surrealism became known is subtly different to this in its pure indulgence and decadence. Previously the Church had been the patron of the arts, meaning that most of the art that was endorsed was done so with the understanding that it would be classical in nature, therefore ranking Gaudi as particularly rebellious in this aspect. The Renaissance architect Brunelleschi, who’s Dome of the Cathedral in Florence can be seen as poles apart from Gaudi’s offering, was controlled by the needs of the Church rather than pure self-indulgent imagination like Gaudi’s. Another aspect of Modernism that came into dramatic play was the advent of photography. With this reproduction of images it was no longer necessary to reproduce subjects as they were in reality or to record events. It did not take long for philosophical writers such as Roland Barthes to recognise that even with these remarkable prints of the past, they could never truly represent the subject they captured. With a photograph of his mother he was convinced that yes, this was his mother but, no it was also not his mother. It was in effect a picture of his mother. Rene Magritte in this era also painted his famous pipe entitled Ce n’est pas une pipe, which said that while it was a pipe, it also wasn’t. The reasoning behind this was that if you cannot actually smoke it, it cannot be a pipe. The question was to what extent does Modernist ‘unpacking’’ become ‘over unpacking’? The ‘unpacking’ process of Modernism in terms of art is perhaps best seen in the work of Salvador Dali. â€Å"[Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams was] one of the capital discoveries of my life†¦I was seized with a real vice of self-interpretation, not only of my dreams but of everything that happened to me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (The Great Artists. Vol 73: 2311). The Persistence Of Memory 1931, by Salvador Dali is oil on canvas and is 9  ½ inches by 13 inches in size. It shows a series of stopwatches melted over the motifs and there is ‘double imagery’. It includes a side profile of Dali himself. Completely Surrealist, Dali worked alongside Breton on the Surrealist Manifesto which attempted to free mankind of the constraints of the mind. â€Å"Surrealism will usher you into death, which is a secret society. It will glove your hand, burying therein the profound M with which the word Memory begins.†(Breton 1924). This was the core of Modernist thinking, that man should by all intents and purposes link beyond the real (or imagined reality) to what he really is (unpack himself). Like Freudian psychology the belief in Surrealism is that repressed memory locates itself in the subconscious constantly. This was called the superego, the responsibility of man to appease this memory leads to unexplained and unresolved dreams that often recur (Freud.1949:77). Compare this to the era we now live in, (the Post-modern era into which we have slipped) and the difference is that we are now trying to free ourselves from the constraints that Modernism has put on us. Post-Modern artists still toy with the idea that what is chiefly within us is expressed through creativity. But now the addition of technology to the equation makes us the ‘controller’ of the said creativity. Computer technology replaces the need for composed qualities in artwork (specifically graphic) meaning that there has to be a marriage of technological advancement and artistry in order for the artist to survive. Going back in time to the first expressions of rebellion in art such as Grunewald and Bosch, who represented dreams in their art and compare this to Dali who interprets the dreams. It becomes clear that what is believed to be an entirely new movement in art is really only a manifestation of experiments used in the past. With World War I & II the former quest for world domination attempted once again to put the world of art under the scrutiny of the powers that be but did not succeed. This means that the completed change was here to stay, that the movement from Impressionism to Surrealism and through to Pop Art and Op Art was free to mobilize itself into the future. â€Å"Earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust†, 1970, Lawrence Weiner, Guggenheim Museum, was what Post-modernism has offered us. In comparison to the fine art of the past few centuries, this piece does not seem to amount to much, but then it is an example of what humanity has become and therefore holds specific importance. A plain grey, white and black plaque with the words ‘earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust’ written across it reveals to us an human race that is really and honestly empty. It is not entirely correct to say Modernism has succeeded in its purpose, but to say that it has failed is also untrue and perhaps a little unfair. Times have changed and continue to do so. The greatest archives we have in memory of the evolution of man are in our art. Modernism as an ideal failed, communism failed and to a degree Freud failed, but the gift they gave us was a solid movement into a time that has been littered with the ‘new’. Modernism failed in that it became the cult-like movement of constraint that it tried so hard to break. It succeeded in producing an art that was truly indicative of the individual. Modernism is, regardless of its successes and failures, a distinct mark in history in the same way that the Renaissance was to the 1400’s-1500’s. We no longer paint young ladies on swings with farthingales and voluminous skirts, because they do not exist in our world. We hardly go to war in kilts and with battleaxes either because so much of our time has changed. The continuum of thought and critical thinking still plagues us with the knowledge that there are some things we will never explain or understand. However the world changes, our creativity is always there. Sources: Breton, Andre. 1924. The Surrealist Manifesto. ( Freud, S. 1949.The Ego and the Id. (The Hogarth Press Ltd: London) Ludington, Townsend. 2000. A Modern Mosaic: Art and Modernism in the United States. The University of North Carolina Press. The Great Artists.1986. Vol 73: Dali.(Marshall Cavendish Ltd: London) Witcombe, Christopher Professor. 1997. â€Å" Art &Artists: The Roots of Modernism.† Part One: What is Art? Sweet Briar College. Witcombe, Christopher Professor. 1997. â€Å"Art & Artists: Modernism and Post Modernism.† Part 4: What is Art? Sweet Briar College.                                    

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Short Story By O’ Henry Essay

Themes: Death and Dying: Last leaf is a short story that entails the treasury of life and the existence of faith and hope. It need to the importance of living and how we deal with the hindrances we battle through our life story. It is a moving story across the traps that come across us in the most significant parts of our lives, the value of life is the centerpiece of story, where all the things go back and revolve†¦Apart of this story gives us a hint that God is the only one who knows that whether we ride on with life and chances or trail on and be drawn against the judgment, the melodramatic and picturesque setting of the story connects to the negative status of main character facing life and death subject matter. Pessimism: Johnsy the main character seems to be a very pessimistic person. She has lost the entire positive attitude in life due to her disease and she is waiting for her death. â€Å"Your little lady has made up her mind that she’s not going to get well. Has she anything on her mind† That is the first step of Jhonsy that she has made up her mind that she will die when the last leaf fall. That signifies the mental and psychological conditionn of her and is describing the theme of pessimistic. â€Å"She was looking out of window and counting -counting backwards† The psychological disturbances shown by O’ Henry in these lines as she is tired of waiting that when the last leaf falls, she will be near to death. â€Å"When the last one falls I must go, too.† Here in these lines Henry has showed extreme pessimism. It is the last one, said Johnsy â€Å"I thought it would surely fall during the night. I heard the wind. It will fall today, and I shall die at the same time.† These words literated by jonsy again show her desperate and chaotic state of mind. She has supposed the things which have no logic and waiting for her death, or waiting for the last leaf to fall. Self-Sacrifice: Mr. Behrman risks his life for Johnsy. He has sacrificed his own life, to give life to Johnsy the painting he made at the wall, shows his self sacrificing, kind and noble nature. He himself catches the pneumonia and  dies, but he didn’t let Johnsy to die. With the character of Mr. Buhrmann, O’ Henry is showing the sacrificing mature of a man and it gives us a message that self sacrificing is a great deed and one has to kind and gentle towards others. â€Å"Mr. Buhrmann died of pneumonia today in hospital.† Hope: Theme of hope is very nicely presented in this story. Doctor is a very optimistic person and he tries to make Johnsy realized that is she has made her mind that she will die when the last leaf fall that could be harmful for her. He told her that he can only provide her medicine and that is effective as 50 cent, the next situation is in her hand. â€Å"I subtract 50 percent from the curative power of medicines.† If you will get her to ask one question about the new writer styles in cloak sleeves I will promise you one-in-five chance for her, instead of† So O’ Henry conveys message one never let go for hope and optimist approach in life. It is out state of mind which can bring worse or better for us in our lives â€Å"Sadie, someday I hope to point the bay of Naples† These lines show Johnsy’s desires and aspirations. It gives the picture of hope and this hope in life gives us the spirit of living in this world. Love and Friendship: In last leaf O’ Henry describes friendship and bondage between two friends. They care and love each other, and she supports Johnsy morally when she falls ill. She proves to be great support for Johnsy and she tries her level best to bring back Johnsy towards life and in the world of optimism. â€Å"Dear, Dear!† said she, learning her won face down to the pillow † think of me, if you won’t think of yourself. What would I do?† These lines show the effective relationship between two friends. Mr. Behrman also shows great deal of love for these girls. Although he is bit careless person but he really cared for Johnsy and his love is shown by his painting for the sake of Johnsy’s life. What is the theme of The Last Leaf by O Henry? The theme of this story is definitely self-sacrifice. Mr. Behrman sacraficed his own health for Johnsy. — One theme of this story is that you should never judge someone by what they appear to be, but by their actions. Behrman acts fierce and aggressive, but his actions show how much he cares about Johnsy. I learned to judge people, not by their looks, but by their actions, because ultimately, actions are the things that make an impact — Passion, hope and personal sacrifice. O Henry gives people hope in a quickly transforming world where big bussinesses and technology were taking over artsy New York. it is about the love between those friends

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Crusades: First Crusade and New Paragraph

The Crusades were a series of religiously sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Western Christian Europe, particularly the Franks of France and the Holy Roman Empire. The specific crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 1291. There are several reasons for the Crusades, but the importance and relevance of some are debated by scholars even to this day. (NEW PARAGRAPH) In the Middle Ages, Christians considered Palestine the Holy Land because it was where Jesus had lived and taught.The Arabs had conquered Palestine in the 600s. Most Arabs were Muslims, but they usually tolerated other religions. Jews and Christians who paid their taxes and observed other regulations were free to live in Palestine and practice their own religion. The Arab rulers didn’t usually interfere with Christian pilgrims visiting Palestine, and European traders could generally do business there. During the 1000s the Seljuk Turks, people from central Asia who had adopted the Muslim faith, conquered Palestine and attacked Asia Minor, which was part of the Byzantine Empire. NEW PARAGRAPH) When the Turks threatened the capital city of Constantinople, the Byzantine emperor appealed to the pope in Rome.Because Christian pilgrims going to Palestine came home with reports of persecution from the Turks, the Byzantine emperor’s appeal for help found a reception in Europe. (NEW PARAGRAPH) Pope Urban I wanted to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims. He called a great meeting of church leaders and French nobles at Clermont France in 1095. At the meeting he encouraged the powerful feudal nobles to stop fighting with each other, and to join in one big war against the â€Å"unbelievers. Urban’s request made his listeners very enthusiastic and they joined in one big cry, â€Å"God wills it! † (NEW PARAGRAPH) From Clermont people traveled through France preaching the cause. The people who joined the expeditions sewed a cloth cross on their clothes. They were called crusaders, from the Latin word cruciata, which means, â€Å"marked with a cross. † People joined the Crusades, the expeditions to regain the Holy Land, for many different reasons. Most knights joined the crusades for the land and plunder in the rich Middle East. Merchants saw a chance to make money.The pope promised both heavenly and earthly rewards. Those who died on a Crusade were said to go strait to heaven. (NEW PARAGRAPH) The pope also guaranteed church protection of the crusader’s property and family during his absence. Debtors who joined a Crusade had their debts canceled. Criminals were relieved of punishment. The Crusades appealed to both a love of adventure and the promise of reward- the desire to escape debts or punishment. French and Norman nobles led the First Crusade that lasted from 1096 to 1099. In three organized armies, they marched across Europe to Constantinople. NEW PARAGRAPH) The crusaders received a hostile reception in Constantinople. The Byzantine emperor had asked for some assistance, but now, seeing three armies approaching the city, he feared they might capture and plunder the capitol. After much discussion the Byzantines allowed the crusaders to pass through Constantinople to begin their long, hot march across Asia Minor toward Palestine. In their wool and leather garments and their heavy armor, the crusaders suffered severely from the heat. Because they had few pack animals, a shortage of food and water plagued them.Additional problems erupted when the leaders quarreled over fiefs in the lands they captured. Despite these difficulties, however, the crusaders forged on to capture the city of Antioch. Then they marched toward Jerusalem. If the Turks had not also been quarreling and disunited, the expedition would have failed. (NEW PARAGRAPH) Conditions improved as the crusaders marched down the seacoast toward Palestine. Fleets of ships from the It alian cities of Genoa and Pisa brought reinforcements and supplies. The crusaders captured Jerusalem after a short battle and slaughtered the Muslim inhabitants.One leader wrote to the pope that his horse’s legs had been bloodstained to the knees from riding among the bodies of the dead Muslims. In the Middle East the crusaders set up four small states: the County of Edessa, the Principality of Antioch, the County of Tripole, and the Kingdom of Jerusalem. They introduced European feudalism and subdivided the land into fiefs controlled by vassals and lords. For almost a century, the Europeans occupied these lands. (NEW PARAGRAPH) Brisk European trade, with goods carried mostly in Italian ships, sprang up.Christians and Muslims lived in close proximity and grew to respect each other. Many Christians adopted Eastern customs and came to prefer Eastern food and clothing. The Second Crusade began in 1147, after the Turks had recaptured the important city of Edessa and threatened th e Kingdom of Jerusalem. In this Crusade, King Louis VII of France and the Holy Roman Emperor, Conrad III led their armies across Europe to the Holy Land. They were fighting separately, and didn’t join forces until they got to Damascus, which was held by the Turks.Luis and Conrad couldn’t capture the city and returned to Europe disgracefully in two years. In 1187 the Muslim leader Saladin recaptured Jerusalem. (NEW PARAGRAPH) Two years later the Third Crusade, the â€Å"Crusade of the Three Kings,† began and lasted until 1192. King Richard of England, King Philip Augustus of France, and Emperor Frederick Barboarossa of the Holy Roman Empire each started out at the head of a great army to regain the Holy Land. The Europeans failed once again, and an estimated 300,000 Christians and Muslims died.There were many more Crusades until 1291, when the Muslims captured the last Christian stronghold, in Acre. Fore 200 years a constant flow of Europeans streamed into the Ho ly Land. Over that period, however, the religious zeal of the crusaders had steadily dwindled. (NEW PARAGRAPH) From a military standpoint, all the Crusades except the first failed. The Muslims eventually recaptured Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine. However, Europeans learned many things of military importance, such as the crossbow, carrier pigeons and messengers, new siege tactics, and gunpowder.In Europe the Crusades increased the power of kings and decreased the power of feudal lords. Kings imposed new taxes and led armies drawn from their entire countries. The church also got more political power because of its leadership role in initiating the crusades. After the Crusades the status of women changed. When their husbands were gone they managed feudal estates. Europeans were influenced by the ideas exchanged among the crusaders form different countries and between the crusaders and the other people they met.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Convincing Irans leadership to stop its nuclear program Assignment

Convincing Irans leadership to stop its nuclear program - Assignment Example The shahs, who you serve, are responsible for enforcing harsh laws which make Iranians comply with your government’s directives, since their fundamental human rights and freedoms have been ignored by your administration. Your media is a good example, where local journalists who voice their concerns are being silenced. As the international community, we have observed the following measures to deal with the situation which is slowly getting out of hand. As you well know, this is a way of thinking that is dangerous. The notion is that violence or the threat of it, must be responded to with violence, though in this modern day and age, seems outdated and uncivilized. As per your government’s behavior, you well know that vexing problems cannot be solved with force. This is not the correct method for America and the international community.1 Your country so far poses no existential threat. Your government is seen to be in internal disarray. We see that your political, economic and moral power is so inferior that resorting to terrorism and assassination to carry out international agenda seem to be your administration’s viable option. Your country threatens to develop nuclear capabilities, but you should know that the international community and your neighbors like Israel would not hesitate to resort to military action if and when the threat materializes, but as you know, military options against your country is not wise. This kind of retributive, vengeful action will lead us to even a trillion dollar expenditure.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Political Concept of Property Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Political Concept of Property - Essay Example This essay outlines the importance of the legal concept of the ownership of a property in a society. That concept is a critical element that defines the difference between communism and capitalism – the two polar political ideologies. The ownership of a property involves the rights and obligations of the owner who claims possession of the property. Property is a possession essentially belonging to an individual or a government. The ownership of property is a major element that defines its legal, social, and economic aspects which itself is underlined by political regimes and policymaking in the field. Political frameworks and legislations exist to protect the rights of individuals. Therefore, property has a political aspect because it involves ownership, transfer of rights, and other variations in rights in which governmental authorities, legislations, and institutions play a vital role. Income and taxation are economic concepts associated with a property. Property in the form of real estate or livestock could earn income for a person. At the same time the income could be liable for taxation. But because property essentially involves a ‘proprietary’ component, it occupies a central place in the politics of rights and governance. It indicates that property is characterized by possession which is fluid in nature. Rights related to ownership and transfer of land remain sensitive issues that are guided by government laws. Another fundamental aspect of property ownership is the political ideology.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

2 Minute Monologue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

2 Minute Monologue - Essay Example Ultimately, this is not a simple t The first and most obvious step when preparing something in the kitchen is to ensure that all of the correct ingredients are on hand. Secondly, it is necessary to ensure that all baking utensils, pots, pans, mixing bowls, spoons, and other measurement instruments are also washed and ready for use (Peterson, 2006). Secondly, following the instructions and/or ingredient lists that are provided within the recipe is vital. Careful attention to detail at each and every stage can yield a far better cake than can merely quickly reading over the instructions and attempting to cut steps out at any one stage as a function of saving time. Thirdly, it must also be understood that the baking process itself is something of an art form and can differ from oven into oven. For instance, if the instructions specify a particular temperature, the results might be far different than one of them then they would be in another; even if these ovens are identical and even manufactured by the same brand. In s uch a way, approximately 10 to 15 minutes prior to the specified time being over, it is necessary for the baker/cook to test the product to ensure that uniformity of texture and mass is achieved. Oftentimes, if this is noted prior to the full time elapsed, it is necessary to remove the baked product immediately. Comparatively, if this is not noticed even after the recipe time has elapsed, it will be necessary to leave the product in the oven to bake for an even longer period of time. In short, what has been defined is a labor-intensive process involves both attention to detail and constant conscientiousness in order for a superior product to be created. Ultimately, this is not a simple process; even though it may appear as somewhat simple. It is precisely these determinants, as well as the unique tools required, which helps to separate the part-time/casual baker from

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Handscrolls in the Song Dynasty or in Tang dynasty or you can compare Essay

Handscrolls in the Song Dynasty or in Tang dynasty or you can compare - Essay Example Gu lived during the Jin Dynasty (265-240) and is known as a the founder of the classical Chinese painting. The predominant style of painting during the Jin Dynasty was scroll paintings. Gu was from Wuxi family and worked as a government official when still of a young age. Gu was not only a painter but also wrote several poems and essays. He had a chance to travel to many places and he would document his experiences as poems, essays or paintings. He is a very important figure in studying Chinese art history (McCausland, 43). This paper looks at Gu kaizshi works of art and analyses the specific characteristics of these paining as a way of getting insight into the style used by Chinese artist during the Jin dynasty. Nushi Zhen â€Å"Admonitions of the Instructress of the Ladies in the Palace†) This is one of the most documented paintings by Gu. This painting is adopted from Zhag Hua’s moralizing text that details the right behavior that ladies in the Imperial Harlem should show. This scroll is made of direct quotation from the texts which are followed by illustrations in terms of painting. The paintings were made with ink drawn on silk materials. The paintings in this hand scroll are very different from those of the Han dynasty. Unlike the previous paintings the figures in this hand scroll have characterized facial expressions showing emotions (McCausland, 560. This shows a development towards the creation of portraits with the figures showing individual characters and is not general like the previous pictures. An example of this portrayal is seen in scene 10 when a lady approaching the emperor was repulsed by a gesture of his raised arm. Gu uses long even strokes of his brush that show the swirling of the drapery. One can also read the expressions on the two characters involved. An important aspect of Gu painting in this scroll is the strokes. He uses evenly narrow and long strokes without a lot of diversification. This kind of line was named as spr ing-silkworm-spitting-silk line. It was the earliest line style used by Chinese artist and it was not until Tang dynasty where the artists started using more diversified line strokes. Gu was also limited in terms of the colors used to paint the apparel worn by his characters. This is because the color used was only ink either ochre or vermilion ((McCausland & Gu, 356). Gold was used in representing ornamentation in women. Gu paid a lot of attention to details as seen in his work of art and this explains why it was possible to characterize his figures. This was borrowed by other artist and it now possible to tell a person’s character from the manner they are displayed in portraits. Nymph Of Luo River This is another work of art which has contributed to the growth of the modern day Chinese art. This work of art was based on a poem written by Cao Zhi. This art can be seen as a milestone in the transition from figure painting to landscape painting. It is from the Jin dynasty that artists started to recognize the powerful influence of nature as setting was now seen to be an integral part of displaying themes in paintings. The originating is based on the story of the price Cao zhi meeting a nymph by the Luo River. This story is found in a poem written by Cao zhi himself. The nymph was the daughter of a mythical ruler called Fuxi. This is a doomed romance since the gods and human cannot marry as they live in different worlds. This form of art also shows the