Sunday, October 6, 2019

2 Minute Monologue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

2 Minute Monologue - Essay Example Ultimately, this is not a simple t The first and most obvious step when preparing something in the kitchen is to ensure that all of the correct ingredients are on hand. Secondly, it is necessary to ensure that all baking utensils, pots, pans, mixing bowls, spoons, and other measurement instruments are also washed and ready for use (Peterson, 2006). Secondly, following the instructions and/or ingredient lists that are provided within the recipe is vital. Careful attention to detail at each and every stage can yield a far better cake than can merely quickly reading over the instructions and attempting to cut steps out at any one stage as a function of saving time. Thirdly, it must also be understood that the baking process itself is something of an art form and can differ from oven into oven. For instance, if the instructions specify a particular temperature, the results might be far different than one of them then they would be in another; even if these ovens are identical and even manufactured by the same brand. In s uch a way, approximately 10 to 15 minutes prior to the specified time being over, it is necessary for the baker/cook to test the product to ensure that uniformity of texture and mass is achieved. Oftentimes, if this is noted prior to the full time elapsed, it is necessary to remove the baked product immediately. Comparatively, if this is not noticed even after the recipe time has elapsed, it will be necessary to leave the product in the oven to bake for an even longer period of time. In short, what has been defined is a labor-intensive process involves both attention to detail and constant conscientiousness in order for a superior product to be created. Ultimately, this is not a simple process; even though it may appear as somewhat simple. It is precisely these determinants, as well as the unique tools required, which helps to separate the part-time/casual baker from

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