Friday, March 6, 2020

Riodan Gap Analysis

Riodan Gap Analysis Gap Analysis: Riordan Manufacturing PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1Running head: GAP ANALYSIS: RIORDAN MANUFACTURINGGap Analysis: Riordan ManufacturingUniversity of PhoenixGap Analysis: Riordan ManufacturingRiordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer with annual earnings of $46 million, producing plastic beverage containers, custom plastic parts, plastic fan parts, and research and development, (Scenario, 2010). Declining sales and uneven profits have driven Riordan to consider a change in overall strategy in its sales, manufacturing and sales processes. Riordan's managers have noticed that there is a decline in morale and work ethic, causing an increasing employee turnover, and lowering morale. Riordan's management is attempting to address the growing dissatisfaction with employee development, benefits and pay scales, shown in survey results, fearing dissatisfied employees will find employment elsewhere.Situation AnalysisIssue and Opportunity IdentificationThere are challenges th at must be overcome in order to accomplish the company's organizational goals, to include overcoming employee job dissatisfaction, which declined as part of Riordan's restructuring process, and increasing employee retention.Riordan Mansion, FlagstaffRiordan also needs to overhaul the currently failing reward system into an effective system that aligns the organization's strategy with compensation and incentive packages. There are several issues to include their policy regarding promotions, differing views within Riordan regarding compensation, aligning the reward and compensation systems with the business strategy, and the fears and concerns regarding pay scale and the loss of key employees.One issue that should be addressed is the differing views within Riordan regarding compensation or "all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits employees receive as part of an employment relationship," (Dreher Dougherty, 2001, p. 77). It is important that Riordan's manageme nt understand that their view of adequate compensation is entirely different than the views of many of their employees. Management often looks at compensation as expenses...

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