Saturday, May 23, 2020

I Was A Secret Code - 1568 Words

When I was about eleven years old I had the habit of biting my nails, it wasn’t out of control, but it was enough to be noticed. I remember my mother pestering me to quit the obsession and I would always shrug her off and thought it wasn’t something to make such a big deal out of. She used many tactics to help me end this quirk—painted my nails to guilt me from ruining them, made a secret code word that she would say whenever I bit my nails, even bit her own nails to show how ridiculous I looked, but to no avail. A few weeks later after a vacation with family friends, as we were looking through the pictures and videos, I saw a video with myself in the background biting my nails in a daze. And it was as though I had an epiphany, if one can have one for such a mundane matter, I finally understood why my mother found my custom so uncouth. And thereafter I never bit my nails again. 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