Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Obstacles and Challenges Knowledge Management

Question: Discuss about the Obstacles and Challenges Knowledge Management. Answer: Introduction: Digital Transformation Office was established in July 2015 in Australia[1]. The establishment of DTO by Australian government helps them to deliver the government services using the digital media. The use of DTO made the operation easy for the government of Australia. Digital Transformation index has attained a high level in monitoring the delivering the service digitally to the community of Australia. Most of the government agencies are available online, which offers various services through website, mobile devices application. DTO helps in resulting the best quality and constant digital service[2]. The establishment of DTO helps to uplift the index of Digital Transformation, which inferred that the people of Australia welcome the new step taken by the government grandly. The collaboration of Service delivery is the support given by the two or more public sector agencies, which includes Non Profit Organisation to help each other in providing the order to the public service. This is one of the aims of Government Mission[3]. E-Government is the using of communication as well as information technology, which provides the people and the businesses the required opportunity to interrelate, communicate and carry out business, by using various electronic media with the government. E-Government is used for administration, structuring framework, rules and regulations[4]. There is a sudden upliftment of the e-government systems and the practices in the western world because the system has the potential to promote the best governance. The efficiency is achieved and the quality of the performance increases which also improves the service delivery by using e-governance. The invention of e-governance system helps in operating for twenty-four long hours, which help the citizen to meet their demand at any point of time in the day[5]. Despite e-governance is implemented in the western world still it have not find its application in many developing country. This country has a failure rate at around 50% when it comes to the implementation of e-governance[6]. The purpose of the collaboration is to share the responsibilities, resources, risks, benefits. The administration should be more than one so that the collaboration is between one company from the public sector and the other from private sector[7].The agreement should be done in a written paper with specific term. Delivery of the public service should have a common and specific objective. The responsibility should be shared during facing of the risk, resource and cost[8].The collaboration is classified as Public-Public Model and Public-Private Model. Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Environment: Considering the internal factor of collaboration in a service delivery, the interest lies in the importing and exporting the solution. The history of the country affects the political environment when certain events like wars, nationalism, alliances are taken into account[9].The government ruling the country should have stability, specific ideology and authenticity[10].The character and responsibility of the institutions and goods of public. The policies of the government in the field of social, economic, financial and information technology[11] should be firm enough to rule the e-governance system. The social environment includes the following features of the distribution of official languages and their number. The average level of education should be adequate. The population spread in context of territory and age. Democracy, private enterprise, entrepreneurship, freedom and family all accounts for social values[12]. The economic environment includes the following features of the ratio of employment and unemployment. The rate of growth, hike of inflation is the major area of concern. The measures of equity and debt in terms of debt ratio should be computed. The stage of achieving modern Information Technology and the penetrating rate of IT[13] is the prime factor. The cultural environment includes the following feature of social orientation. Men and women of the society play an important role. A certain amount of risk should be reduced in the field of liberalism. The practices and the believes in the field of religion. Institutional, Business and Technology Environment The institutional environment has following factors of the brands and the foreign trade should be abiding by the trade laws. These laws should abide the technological transfer and business collaboration. Property ownership, licenses and copyrights should be regulating by the laws. Citizen rights including human rights, the laws deal information protection and electronic documents. The business environment depends on following factors of the availability of funds and the risk associated with it. Structure of the sector, competitors and the transferring possibilities is determined on the ground of entry barriers[14]. The government providing quality services for the development of e-governance. The technological environment depends on the following factors of innovative level, character of the technology, reliability, user friendly is considered as the strategic importance[15]. The use of It service and hoe frequently it is been used. Technology that exists in government, industry, and computing their standards and accessibility. Partners Objectives and Characteristics Objectives and Motivations of partners carry some importance in the field of profit, risk management and strategical opening, sharing of cost determines the targets nature. Psychological as well as strategical distance depends on sharing of the distance. The characteristics of each type of partner are based on the ability of partner to adapt basic skills. The concerned partner should have a sound technical knowledge. The center should be formed to give backup to the government agencies, which incorporates the implementation of digital services by the following a number of steps which includes the support from the innovation centre in the field of design as well as they can implement and test the new services that are been invented. The Innovation centre also offers the tools as well as the platform for helping agencies to innovate and check their technologies. The centre plays a role by recommending and providing support assistance to the DTO. Technical Documentation The government framework should include the use and the values of API which enables to recognize the methods that are helpful for giving back up to different design patterns and complex issues. The government should follow the norms and the protocols regarding API. The Australian government must build up and release framework regarding making sure of the business report and communicates with the agencies. Since the country already have the privilege of high speed Internet and services. The only field of improvement required is to attract the private sector in the e-governance system. Despite e-governance is implemented in the western world still it have not find its application in many developing country. This country has a failure rate at around 50% when it comes to the implementation of e-governance[16]. Aspect and Challenges Financial Aspect: The funding necessary and the cost of the e-governance is too high for the chosen country. In this chosen country, the cost of the internet and services for the e-government is too costly. The country also needed a right infrastructure for the free flow of fund. Therefore, the correct implementation of the e-governance faced a lot of challenge regarding the financial aspect of that country[17]. Political Aspect: The political situation and the leadership is a major area of concern for the improvement of the e-governance system in the chosen country. Leadership is the main driving inspiration for the creation and innovation of new projects. Implementation and incorporation of the e-government system requires a change of large scale[18]. Some of the government official has a concept of taking e-government as a threat in context to their position, power as they face resistance regarding the online transaction. The lack of back up from the politicians leads to the challenge in improving the e-governance of the system[19]. Infrastructural Aspects: Infrastructural aspects mainly include important aspects like ICT Infrastructure, Accessibility of Internet and connectivity, power supply. The main challenge faced by e-government is infrastructural aspects. It is a huge challenge and the barrier faced by the government in the field of online transactions. The division of digital media in the chosen country makes it complex to achieve the deployment of the infrastructures of Information Technology. Computer security, secret password, privacy and the confidential data is the primary challenge faced during the application of e-governance in the country. Organizational Aspect: Leadership and the change management are the major aspects faced by e-governance. Organizational skills and effectual communications are needed to initiate e-governance in the country to maintain values, ethics, visions, of every stakeholder. The chosen country whose political system is full of corruption poses serious threats for the improvement of e-governance. Socio Economic Aspect: The chosen country as affected b the corruption, the level of the poverty is too high in that country which causes resistance in the growth and development of the country. As the country is the poorest country of the world the per capita income is too low. The illiteracy, poorest economic condition and the language barrier is the most concerned area for the development of e-governance in the country. Information and Communication technology will face a serious deterioration in the country. Socio-cultural aspects have become the most concerned area for the growth of ICT in the country. The policy makers use the technology in such a way that it greatly affects the pattern in an individuals behavior and also have a great effect on the cultural norms of the country[20]. The three factors on which human aspects depend are awareness, training and capability building. As the country is devoid of ICT skill experts especially in government, sector which resist the growth of e-governance[21]. This challenge is especially faced by the country, which is in developing stage because they lack staffs that have quality and experience for improving ICT, and helps in the growth of e-governance. The country is does not have adequate trainer to train the new upcoming human resource who will be the future face of the country. Though some governmental organizations have IT staffs but they do not have special equipment for the web based applications. The factor like situation specific can gain the success in the implementation of ICT which will enhance the growth of the e-governance[22]. The introduction of ICT may have a gap regarding the design or the gap between the task assigned and the tools equipped. Therefore, there is a rate of failure around 20 to 25% for the attempt of installation of ICT, which also reduces the chance of gaining the growth in e-governance[23]. The failure is mainly faced due to the poor planning of installing the technology. Thus, human aspect plays a role in the development of e-governance in the country. Recommendations E-Governance helps in the interactions between the stakeholders in the governance using Information and Communication Technology. The interactions between two government bodies are for restructuring the process followed by the government, which involved the government entities for smooth flowing of information. It helps in increasing the efficacy, output and performance[24]. The interaction between Government and citizen helps in the benefit of citizen for efficient delivery of public services. This helps in broadening the accessibility of the services and the quality of the services. The interaction between governments to business helps the business community to receive goods as well as services for better interaction with the government. The interaction between government and employee is important as it is a two way process and the employees should be equipped with modern tools for efficient work. The e-governance structure should include back ends like databases from different agencies, service providers and state government. The front end includes PC, Kiosk Machine, smart phones. The middle ware includes good communication infrastructure and security gateways. The core and support infrastructure has mainly three pillars of e-governance in the form of State Wide Area Network, State Data Centre, and Community Service Centre. State Wide Area Network gives a speed of about 2mbps and it has wireless networks. It gives intense security to the system providing a high level of security by creating a close user group. SDC helps in developing the infrastructure of e-governance as they provide service electronically. SWAN and CSC support it. The function of SDC is to store the data securely, online delivery services, Disaster recovery. CSC provides the service to the rural areas where speed of the internet is an issue[25]. Training courses should be delivered to the people of that country on e-government system, which encourages them to accept the system without any difficulty. Ideas can be lend from the developed country who have successfully implemented the system of e-governance. The public sector should have a good partnership with the private sector so that the sharing of the cost, availability of fund and technology expertise could be achieved. Conclusion The Australian government surveyed around 1200 individuals and 300 businesses. The surveyed results in the confirmation of their own believe which helped them to build the plan for a long-term. The results inferred that DTO is meeting the basics but they have not succeeded in reaching the private sector. The data analysis shows that DTO should come in the online process to meet the communitys demands. The survey resulted in giving the figure that 66% individuals and 74% small business were fine with the concept of DTO[26]. The limitations or the challenges were faced with the senior citizen of the country who voted against the DTO. The outcome of the figure was stupendous and it came that 54% of the senior citizens are against the DTO[27]. Therefore, the rising of DTO in Australia was fine but it also faces some of the major challenges in gaining access with the private sector and the senior citizen of the country. This developing country should use the benefits of the e-governance system for developing and improving their economic structures. The implementation of the system faces challenges like poor internet access, low speed of internet causing problem for online transactions, lack of initiative, and unavailability of proper funding. All the different aspects, which are barrier for the implementation of e-governance system, are inter-related with each other. The government should follow the above measures to overcome this barrier and successfully implement the e-governance system[28]. Reference List Alateyah, Suilaiman, Richard M. Crowder, and Gary B. Wills. "Factors Affecting the Citizens Intention to Adopt E-government in Saudi Arabia."International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering7.9 (2013): 80-85. Alshehri, Mohammed, Steve Drew, and Osama Alfarraj. "A Comprehensive Analysis of E-government services adoption in Saudi Arabia: Obstacles and Challenges."Higher education6 (2012): 8-2. Baud, I. S. A., et al. 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