Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Comparative Study of Ipil-Ipil and Kakawate Leaves

A. Background of the Study Being a third world country, the Philippines should be able to find ways which are economical and environment – friendly through means of agricultural marketing to increase the nation’s income. Poultry is one of the main products being marketed since this is one of the main sources of protein aside from fish. The native chickens are also the most being raised in poultry farms for they take the least time to hatch eggs (21 days). The native hen lays eggs day after day until no eggs remain within her and start to incubate them on the last day of laying. This is not included in the 21 day incubation process meaning it will take a longer time before the eggs will be able to hatch. In hatching chicken eggs, there are certain factors that affect the development of the embryo such as the handling, the room temperature, the incubator temperature, the humidity and the ventilation. To save more time and energy, we would use improvised incubators wherein all the eggs being laid on the same day would be incubated immediately. Incubators are apparatuses in which environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can be controlled, and often used for growing bacterial cultures, hatching eggs artificially. In this case, we would use wooden boxes as incubators since wood is a natural insulator that traps the heat inside because of its .B. Statement of the Problem In the Philippines, we mainly use poultry as a source of food which is rich in protein. The hens lay eggs in a successive pattern wherein they are laid day after day. And the hens will not incubate the egg until the said pattern of laying eggs is done. In other cases, there are no other broody hens at the same time thus, taking more time before starting incubation. To speed up the incubation process, the eggs laid on a certain day will be gathered into a hatching box and will be hatched from another source of heat which is required for the incubation processs.The resea rchers found out that decomposing leaves that were rich in nitrogen content, crude fiber and crude protein, release a great amount of heat which is also applicable in the angiogenesis of chicken embryo. The major problem is determining if ipil – ipil leaves (Leucaenaleucocephala) can be an effective regulator as kakawate leaves(Gliricidiasepium) are in the angiogenesis of chicken embryo after conducting the comparative study.C. Significance of the Study The significance of this study is to gather data on the effectiveness of both leaves for angiogenesis. Knowing which leaves are effective will lead to application throughout the nation and so, causing more reproduction of chicks, which are then used to reproduce into greater numbers in a shorter span of time which will help the country's economy since these poultry are in demand.D. Scope and Limitations The study covers the effectiveness of both leaves for angiogenesis of chicken embryo. The researchers will also study which l eaves can simulate faster angiogenesis for chicken embryo by taking the weights of each egg in each cubicle before and after putting it in the hatching box and by taking the air temperature of the box with the tip of the thermometer bulb just below the tip top of the eggs. The researchers limited this research to the angiogenesis of chicken embryo only, which means from the newly laid eggs up to 5 days.E. Definition of Terms Air cell – a pocket of air located in the large end of the egg, between the membrane and shell Angiogenesis– n.the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels. Candling–n. the examination of the contents of the eggs using a shielded light in a darkened area Crude protein – n. a mixture of true protein and nonprotein nitrogen in a food; indicates the capacity of a feed to meet an animal's protein need Crude fiber – n. the chiefly cellulose material obtained as a residue in the chemical an alysis of vegetable substance Humidity– n. the amount of water vapors in the airIncubator – n. an apparatus in which environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can be controlled, often used for growing bacterial cultures, hatching eggs artificially, or providing suitable conditions for a chemical or biological reaction Incubation–n. the maintenance of eggs, organisms, or living tissue at optimal environmental conditions for growth and development Poultry – n. domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggsChapter II Review of Related Literature AngiogenesisAngiogenesis is the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels. This is distinct from vasculogenesis, which is the de novo formation of endothelial cells from mesoderm cell precursors. The first vessels in the developing embryo form through vasculogenesis, after which angiogenesis is responsible for most, if n ot all, blood vessel growth during development and in disease. GliricidiasepiumGliricidiasepium is also used for its medicinal and insect repellent properties. Farmers in Latin America often wash their livestock with a paste made of crushed G. sepium leaves to ward off torsalos. In the Philippines, the extract obtained from its leaves is used to remove external parasites.Integrin Integrins are transmembrane receptors that mediate the attachment between a cell and its surroundings, such as other cells or the extracellular matrix (ECM). In signal transduction, integrins pass information about the chemical composition and mechanical status of the ECM into the cell. Therefore, in  addition to transmitting mechanical forces across otherwise vulnerable membranes, they are involved in cell signaling and the regulation of cell cycle, shape, and motility. LeucaenaleucocephalaLeucaenaleucocephala is a small, fast-growing mimosoid tree native to southern Mexico and northern Central America ( Belize and Guatemala), but is now naturalized throughout the tropics. Common names include white leadtree, jumbay, and white popinac. The specific name is derived from the Greek words ÃŽ »ÃŽ µÃâ€¦ÃŽ ºÃÅ', meaning â€Å"white†, and ÃŽ ºÃŽ ­Ãâ€ ÃŽ ±ÃŽ »ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€š, meaning â€Å"head†, referring to its flowers. It is known as Subabool in India. L. leucocephala is used for a variety of purposes, such as firewood, fiber and livestock fodder.TanninTannin (also known as vegetable tannin, natural organic tannins or sometimes tannoid, i.e. a type of biomolecule, as opposed to modern synthetic tannin) is an astringent, bitter plant polyphenolic compound that binds to and precipitates proteins and various other organic compounds including amino acids and alkaloids.

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