Sunday, September 29, 2019

Crafting & Executing Strategy Whole Foods

Crafting & Executing Strategy Whole Foods Your Report will be evaluated on the quality of your ability to: 1. Appropriate use of Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusions 10 marks †¢ Demonstrate ability to appropriately capture key recommendations and overview in an Executive Summary. Proper use of an introduction to capture the main aspects of the body of the report and a concise conclusion. . Answers to the Questions Posed in Case Study/Presentation             50 marks †¢ The body of the report should clearly address the questions posed in the case study       †¢ The group presentation should effectively convey the case and recommendations in the format of a third party consultant presenting to the John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods. 3. Develop Strategic Recommendations/Key Findings 10 marks Your report should also address the strategic recommendations and/or key findings identified from answers to the five questions in the body of the report. 4. Use of Appropriate graphs/charts/diagrams 15 marks †¢ Your report should utilize relevant statistics in graphs, charts or diagrams to more effectively convey the key points in the body of your report. 5. Links to course readings and additional research 5    marks       ?Clearly cite your work and identify at least 2 separate sources with appropriate footnotes or endnotes. ? Words that are not your own must be formally cited. 6. Style and format 10 marks ? Write a report that is error free (spelling/grammar)       ? Write a report that is concise (communication is clear and to the point)       ? Write a report that is professional (easy to read, accurate in its content)       ? The report should not exceed 10 pages, double-spaced text plus charts/diagrams

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