Saturday, September 14, 2019

Management Techniques

Moreover, the manager hired also needs to have experience in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling a new service department in order to provide excellent customer service. Based on these qualifications, the following five questions will help determine If this candidate can take charge, organize things, and get people motivated and working again In a Service Department: 1 . Can you tell me of a situation wherein you think you're going to fall, but you were able to reverse the situation and succeed?Can you tell me what you did? (Burblers, 2004) This question ill assess the candidate's temperament particularly how he acts under pressure. Moreover, the answers provided will also indicate the level of the candidate's planning, organizing, leading and controlling skills as solving a dilemma successfully requires a more than average skills in these functions. 2. â€Å"Tell me about the most different employee situation you have ever had to handle. What did you do about it, what wa s the result† (Kodak, p. 39).This question will help me determine the candidate's core competencies as regards motivating people and getting available resources at hand to get the Job done. 3. We all feel that we are unique In our accomplishments; can you tell me an Instance that you feel Is unique? This question will help In assessing the confidence of the candidate on himself. A manager to be an effective leader, must exude confidence, otherwise his staff will not have confidence on his ability to lead them as well. 4. Tell me about a time when you turned down a good job.The answer will help me assess whether the candidate can actually deliver results. 5. Tell me what you have done on a consistent basis to ensure that your staff or direct report feel valued for their contributions. The candidate's answer will help me determine the level of the candidate's interpersonal skills specifically his behavior towards people working under him. The way the candidate answers the above questions will help the hiring manager assess his communication and interpersonal skills.In looking for the right person to fill the position of manager for the new department, that person must show above average skills and capabilities In managing people particularly In directing them towards the attainment of the organization's goals. This is important since the division that the manager will be meaning Is a new one, tune tans could De Klan to uncreated territories. Lastly' t person must also be experienced in exploring new things and being comfortable outside his comfort zone.

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